how often do you put your face on?

I wear more makeup in the last 2 years than when I was younger (not counting the ages of 16-18, when I wore more!). My eyes are "fadiing", and I like people (students) to see my eyes when I talk to them.

When I stay home, it's no makeup.

When I go out to Walmart or the store, it's undereye concealer (hereditary dark circles just get worse with age...sigh!).

When I go to work, it's concealer (a must whenever I'm around anyone!), a light dusting of mineral foundation, a bit of blush (usually but not always), mascara, and (usually but not always) eyeliner. That's it. That's also what I wear to "go out," with the addition (sometimes) of eyeshadow. Total time: 5 minutes.

Hair? I see what it looks like when I wake up (I shower at night), run a comb or my fingers through it if it looks fine, mist it with water and put some velcro rollers in where needed for a few minutes if it needs "help".
I wear full make-up to work every week day. I certainly don't bother with it on weekends if I'm just going to the gym, the dry cleaner and the grocery store, and I put just a tad on when I go out for dinner with my DH just in case I run into anyone I know. But if we're getting together with people socially, I put on full face. :-(
I always wear mascara when I leave the house, everything else depends on my mood. I tend to wear less & less as I get older, although I still love makeup.
At home...never! First thing I do when I get home...take off shoes...wash face. Always.

I went through a period of depression and hardly wore any makeup. Now that I am fit and healthy, I always wear a certain amount of makeup every day because I remember the days when I didn't and never want to go back to not caring what I look like. That is not to say if you don't wear makeup you don't care what you look like. That isn't what I mean. It's just for me it would be a sign that I might be going back to a place that I don't want to be!
I wear full makeup to work on Mon - Fri. Evening makeup if DH and I go out. On weekends when at home I do not wear any. Hair is naturally wavy so when I need to run errands on the weekend, I bend over, run fingers through hair and toss then I put on some moisturizer with SPF protection, lipstick and sunglasses. I wear the barely tinted ones where you can't exactly see my eyes but are light enough for me to see in the store.
I hate it when people call weraing makeup "putting your face on." That just sounds like makeup is your face, which it's not. It enhances your face.

Anyway, I only wear makeup on Sundays when I go to church. I'm too lazy to apply it every morining before I go to work.
I'd say whatever feels natural for you, make sure you feel good about yourself. I used to hardly ever wear makeup, on the weekends, but after watching Oprah and how if you are "put together" you feel better and do your best, I gave it a try and GUESS WHAT, I do, actually feel better and more confident even with a little bit on to accent my eyes, etc.

Each person should do whatever necessary to feel good about themselves and if that means to wear makeup then do it, otherwise, go "natural" and be happy that way.

If I don't have time or don't feel like putting it on then I don't. I just do what feels best for me and what is convenient.
I once worked in an office and didn't wear my makeup one day. I had a few people ask me if I was feeling well, that I looked pale. Oh, brother! I have learned to just let this kind of thing roll off my shoulders as it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. I will challenge any average person to KPC or Boot Camp any of the days I look sooooo "pale" I am just going to die or something because I don't have my makeup on.LOL What does anyone know about how someone feels whether or not they wear makeup? It's a person smile that makes them beautiful, not the makeup.

I usually put makeup on every time I go out including food shopping. I live in the city and I never know who I am going to run into. In the summer I can get away with some lip gloss because I have some color.

I am pale without makeup. I have to add some color. I have never been one to wear lip stick though. If I am at home I usually don't wear any or if I just have to run some quick things around town. Out with DH or doing some major shopping then I have it all on.
I put on make-up during the week for work. I don't wear a lot anyway so it only takes me 5 min. (foundation, powder, mascasra & lipstick). On the weekends I only put it on if I'm going somewhere. If I have to run to the store I usually don't bother.

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