How much weight are you using for Boot Camp?


Boot Camp is a good, intense workout for me. All those posts stating that this is an easy workout has me wondering about the weights people are using.

I am using a 40 lbs bar for legs/back, 30 lbs bar for arms, 10 lbs dumbells, a 9 lbs medball and a 17 inch step.

What are you using?
I haven't done it for a while, but I think I was using a 35# barbell, a 14" step, 10# med ball, and 10-12"for arms and shoulders.

I don't think it's an "easy" workout. But I change it up a bit by doing "all but core" first (which puts the cardio and weight segments closer together) followed by "core only" (which doesn't leave any rest between core moves. I also modify the ab work quite a bit by slowing it down (I don't like some of the fast/full-of-momentum moves and prefer more slow and controlled moves I can really feel deep in the abs.)
I prefer to do the cardio / lower body premix rather than the whole workout as initially produced:

45-lb barbell for squat and lunge work
25-lb dumbbell for step-ups and side lunges (I'm not sure of my elevation for step-ups, I think it's 14")

In Gauntlet for the BC upper body segments I use 15-lb dumbbells for most except one-arm bentover rows - for those I use 25-lb dumbbell

I am not one of those that finds BC easy. I find it to be very challenging. I absolutely LOVE it. I squat 40 pounds, but have continued to find lunge work extremely hard. I always have to lighten my load for lunges. In BC because there are not too many and no low ends if I remember correctly so I can go a little heavier for lunges in BC than I can in Muscle Endurance. :7

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