How much time between filming and shipping?


This is the first time I've been aware of the preordering process, and I'm curious: historically, about how long has it taken to get the new DVDs finished and shipped out after filming has been completed?

I'm doing my best not to sound impatient in writing--because I'm NOT impatient at all! I'm thrilled that a filming date has been set, and I'm ONLY curious about when to roughly expect to, well, get them! I didn't want to post this in Ask Cathe because I don't want to distract from the good news of a filming date in any way.

Thanks for anybody who has an answer for this!

I think it's been closer to 2 months, at least it has been in the past (someone who has easy access to their records on previous presales could confirm).

But, we can be optimistic and hope that the collaboration with Clear Channel TV makes things go a bit faster and more smoothly (without things being rushed) and maybe it WILL be closer to one month. :)
I have preordered most and a I would say between 6 and 8 weeks. It would also depend on how many dvd's are being filmed that have to be edited etc..
Diane Sue
>I have preordered most and a I would say between 6 and 8
>weeks. It would also depend on how many dvd's are being
>filmed that have to be edited etc..
>Diane Sue

I don't have my records in front of me, but this statement reflects my experience.

Hi Diane Sue :)

This makes me very happy! I have my rotations planned until the end of October and 8 weeks after production puts me getting these new videos right when it is time to start a new rotation!
I found a thread that I replied to with something similar. Here is what I wrote:

The Hardcore Series
filmed 28 Oct and the preorders shipped the first week of Feb

The Series that Cathe filmed for Escalada sports (I'm pretty sure this is the series that I was referring to in the post)
filmed 7 Mar and the preoders shipped 24-26 May

Body Blast Series
filmed 21 Aug and the preorders(for DVD's)shipped 8 Dec (VHS had shipped earlier)

Intensity Series
filmed 15 Nov and the preorders shipped the end of Jan

I think it just depends on what is involved, how many workouts filmed, what features are in the mix, if they encounter any problems and so forth.

I hope that I wrote this down right, someone correct me if I'm wrong,
Did I miss something - What's going on with Clear Channel TV?


"Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Satchel Paige

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