How much are you guys eating


First off, we heard the heartbeat right away today. It was 160 bpm.

Secondly, I feel like I have been eating SO MUCH with this pregnancy! I don't think I normally eat that much, but I have to eat about every 1 1/2 or 2 hours in order to keep my energy up and to not feel sick. Obviously, I'm going to keep eating when my body needs it, and I haven't gained a lot of weight or anything....I'm not even sure if I've really gained anything yet (my scale isn't super accurate, and seems to read about the same as it did pre-preg). But it's so hard to keep shoveling food in my face when I don't feel like I should be hungry yet, and when I have so many food aversions that healthy type stuff doesn't sound that good to me. I haven't been eating really unhealthy, but a lot more crackers and stuff than normal. A typical day for me:

Breakfast - 2 pieces of toast. It's all I can stomach.

Snack (about 30 to 60 minutes later) - a bowl of cereal, sometimes 2. Normally don't eat cereal, but it sounds wonderful to me when pg.

Lunch: A sandwich with lowfat lunchmeat or tuna, etc.

Snack: Another sandwich

Snack: Pretzels or trail mix - one serving size

Dinner: tonight I had a chicken breast - maybe 5 oz, plus corn, and egg flower soup, a swiss miss pudding, and 3 apple slices

I am hungry again, and finished dinner 1 hour ago.

I will probably have 1-2 graham cracker sandwiches with light pb & jelly on them in a bit here. Or maybe another bowl of cereal and a cocoa.

Today I also had, which is not normal for me, 3 girl scout cookies - my niece is selling them. :-( Plus 10 jelly beans :-( :-(

I worked out for 30 minutes-almost couldn't do it. I was very challenged on a tape that is usuallly easy for me.

How does this compare to you guys?

EDD 09-16

It sounds like you are doing great. It sounds like you are making reasonably healthy choices. In fact, you are doing tons better than I am. It's great to eat smaller meals and eat more often. Supposedly this helps nausea but it has not helped mine. If I don't eat by about 1 or 2 o'clock then I don't eat. I get very nauseated in the evenings so supper is usually nothing. I think if you feel hungry you should eat and eat as healthy as possible. I normally eat lots of veges but cannot stand the thought of veges now and with the nausea believe me you don't want to force it. I'm trying to eat healthy but nausea makes it difficult.

I normally eat either a sandwich or cereal or toast and jelly for breakfast. I'm not usually a big cereal eater but it sounds good these days.

Lunch is usually a sandwich or maybe some supper leftovers. My mother has been cooking supper for us as I cannot stand the smell of food, especially when its cooking.

Supper is usually about three bites of whatever mother has fixed which is typically not very healthy. She's a good cook but I just can't eat by then.

I try to eat some fruit in between meals.

You're doing great and sometimes our pregnant bodies don't allow for the best so I wouldn't worry. My nausea has severely limited my eating and I am normally a huge eater. I am still about 2 to 3 pounds less than when I got pregnant and I am 12 weeks along.

Like I said, you're doing great!!!!!
Stacey, thats all you are eating? Even nonpregnant I eat more than that. When pregnant though I was always eating and actually awoke in the middle of the night for a snack. My friend who is a nurse recommended I eat more protein, most of my snacks were carbohydrates. I ate for the most part pretty healthy but those around me laughed at how often I ate. Come to think of eat I eat every 2 hours nonpregnant, so it just changed to eating about every hour or so. Despite my constant eating my weight gain was less than 25 pounds and weight has come off. Hope my babbling helps.
I"m with Shopaholic, I eat more than that not pregnant! Come to think of it, my appetite is just as strong breastfeeding as it was when I was pregnant. I also ate every 2-3 hours when pregnant, and I ate whatever sounded good to me, especially in first trimester. I gained 30 pounds with the pregnancy & I lost all but 5 of it within the first two weeks without dieting/exercise. You're doing great. Keep up the good work.

Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94

" Take care of your body like it will last a lifetime. Take care of your soul like it will last for eternity"
Thanks guys. I think that helps. I guess it's just so different this time around because I was so nauseous in my first two pregnancies that I wasn't able to eat until about 16 weeks. I gained 30 lbs with my son, and 25 with my daughter. I just want to make sure that I'm not over doing the eating since I have to eat to feel good.

I think too, that I would normally not eat so many carbs. Most of the choices I've been making aren't ones that keep a person full for very long. I just eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full, so if I'm hungry, I probably need it.

I can't believe that you guys don't think that I'm eating a lot. I have always considered myself a good eater and eat every 3 hours not pregnant, but I still think I'm eating quite a bit more now than I did prepregnancy. I probably just don't concern myself with it so much because I know if I have a bad day or two, I can make up for it the rest of the week, and I am also able to get in those very challenging workouts that have been put on hold for awhile now.


You aren't eating much there girl... :)

I've been noshing on weird stuff that I'd never think of putting in my mouth before (ie pizza, hamburgers, white potatoes, saltines). I use to love fresh I want to gag at the THOUGHT of a salad. Freaks me out.

I am 9wks and have already gained 6 lbs...I was very concerned about this since I heard the "usual" was 2-4 pounds in the first trimester. The nurse reassured me not to worry...that it was probably needed since I was a bit underweight to start with...and the increase in carbs (crackers and such) probably contributes as well. She said that if the gain becomes a trend we'll talk.

I've been eating more frequently than I usually do, but that is recommended (antinausea).

Sometimes I wonder if the gain is partially due to constipation and water retention???

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