How much alcohal?

RE: Low carb beers

It's 7:30 Friday night, the kids are watching a movie, and hubby is on his way back from NY (it's been a long week!) So the house is quiet. I came here to get a little inspiration, and as usual it worked. Only this time you all have inspired me to have an ice cold beer (Mich Ultra of course). Thanks - it's just what I needed!
Have a great weekend!
What's a 4 oz glass of wine, bwahahaha. There is a restaurant here (I won't name names) that serves this humungous bowl glass of wine with their meals. I love my wine but I'll never order wine in there goes unfinished - can't do it - have to cart me out in a wheelbarrel }(

All things in moderation - and never, every do a step workout after drinking. You might feel like you can do everything "Cathe" but you'll end up looking like Bozo the Clown.

Never mind how I know this..............:D

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