How many risers for High Step?


Active Member
I currently use the old wooden firm box for step ups and hover squats. However, I am tall, 5'9" and have long legs. I think that in order to really work my glutes that I need a higher step. What is the rule, when I put my foot on the step should my thigh be parallel to the floor?

I am also planning on getting HSTA soon. How are you all enjoying that? Do you feel it is a good compliment to the rest of your weight work during the week? I know it is a circuit workout, but would like to use it to hit my body parts for the second time in a week.

Thanks for your advice!
Hi Kay,

I don't know the hard and fast rule for how many risers but I think to some degreee it's how hard you want to work, how comfortable it is, and of course maintaining good form. I'm 5'6" and I usually use 5 risers (plus topper), occasionally I'll use 6. HTH.

Also I love HSTA. I use it just the way you are talking about as a second total body w/o for the week and have had good results. There are some challenging moves (at least for me anyway)-like one arm tricep dips yeeow!! As a matter of fact I'm doing HSTA tomorrow!!


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