How many risers are needed for STS work?


I have the basic step with 4 risers and am going to order the high step that comes with 4 more risers. I saw on the blog that they had 10 risers in places. I don't mind getting two extra (along with the slanted risers, which seem to be not necessary, but would be very helopful) - just want to be sure before I do it. Thank you -
Thank you! I knew I had read that before but couldn't remember exactly what the answer was. Thanks for the link - I think I'll go ahead and get the extra risers because I am tall and the long arms and legs would probably appreciate the extra room.
One thing you might consider instead of straight risers is get 2 slanted risers instead. I've heard they can stack together to make the height of 3 regular risers. So then you have the height as well as the slants.

April, I had wondered about that. From looking at the pics of the slanted risers, it looked like that would work but having never seen them, I wasn't sure. Thanks for the suggestion! Shana
It really depends on how high you want your bench. When using a pair of slanted risers most of our crew use 5 normal risers on the high side a 1 normal riser on the low side. When doing a flat bench they generally like 5 risers on each side. You can certainly use a lot less, but 5 seems to be the right number for comfort for most of our crew. Taller people will need more.
RE: How many risers are needed for STS work? Another ?

So, if you use the slanted risers, does that mean that 2 sets put together would be the equivalent of 5-6 regular risers stacked?

I'm also wondering if there's a link to show what all the equipment used for STS is - is that listed somewhere?

Now would be a great time to start getting any of the things we don't have while we're anxiously awaiting these great new workouts!!


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