How many from San Diego?


I was just wondering , how many of Cathlete's would make it to San Diego's Tour. I don't see that many voting for San Diego, I'm so exited about this, or maybe not because that mean that I won't go to Cathe's home in New Jersey?:( Well I don't know yet.
Anyways lets heard our voice and noise and see how many are planing on going to Cathe's tour.;):D:)

who else....
Yes.. I got the email!!!

Not even close...I'm on Twentynine Palms Ca. You know Palm Spring? Yucca valley, or Joshua Tree.. Something close..:)
Yes I know she is coming to San Diego I just wanted to know how many of us would be going to the even?:p
Is so exited:D

Were are you? I know Carlsbad I use to live on Oceanside..

Another SD girl in the house, only 10 min from downtown SD where the convention center is. I can't wait.
Pasadena. Barring anything surprising, I will be going (with my husband and every friend I can scare, I mean, drag, I mean, cajole, I mean, encourage into coming)...
Looks like there will be a nice group from the forums there next year! Is it too soon to begin counting down until July 2010?!:p

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