how many calories burned per workout


New Member
Hi all
I have been surfing the web for info about Cathe's DVDs. I usually do Terminator and muscle endurance. However, nowhere I could find information about how many calories get burned per workout. I know it depends on height, weight, and all other things, but I am sure someone can roughly make an approximation about how many calories burned after an intense workout like terminator-gauntlet.

It is important for me to know so that I can adjust my food intake accordingly. I do not need to lose a lot of weight, I have some back problems and exercise is the best thing to do for me. If I am speding a lot of calories, I think I can eat a bit more to keep my balance

Thank you all
Hi Mina!
I know you don't want to hear this but the amount of calories burned varies greatly. It does go by height,weight, and how much you put into a workout. A person weighing 150lbs will burn a totally different amount than a person weighing 110lbs. I used to get frustrated at a gym I used to go to. They had a fitness challenge after the New Year. It went by total calories burned. You had to use the equipment and punch in your ht/wt. I was running on the TM and doing a really tough 60min. I burned a lot less calories than the lady next to me that was barely at a fast walk. She weighed a lot more than me so she burned more. The only way to know for sure is to get a heart rate monitor. Again you put in your ht/wt. I caution people to rely only on these though. They can be a little wrong. I have a nice Polar hr monitor. Sometimes I will be working all out and look down and see hr 00 or 45. This wrong number changes my calories burned. It is still better to go by perceived exertion. The harder you feel you are working on a scale ex: 1-10. 10 being the hardest;the more calories you are burning. You can also take your hr at peak exercise and you know you are burning more on the workouts where hr is higher. The other problem with a monitor is that you can become too focused on it and not get as much out of your workout. All of this said I will give you examples of my calories burned this weeks bootcamp rotation according to my monitor.I am an advanced exerciser and go all out as much as possible.
1.bodymax + 200 jacks/40 pushups--565 calories
2.IMAX 1 + 200 walking lunges--450 calories
3.SJP + kick max leg drills--360 calories
4.IMAX 2 326 calories with Seg 3 core max--396calories
5.5min brisk walk,400 walk lunges etc.. 40 min--207 calories
6.IMAX 3 + 20 terminators--500 calories
Sorry this was so long. Hope it helps.
Mina, I'm probably not in as good of condition as Jana and I have a GNC HR monitor but on a cardio day where I've given it my all, I have burned 702 calories with PowerMax. On other days, it was 576, 566 and 605 with the same workout. I'm 5'4" and weigh 120 lbs. I find these numbers hard to believe, however, so I primarily use the HR monitor so that I can give myself a little nudge if I'm slacking off.
I'm 5'7" and weigh 124......I burned 450 calories on my Mio Shape HRM today after doing Imax 3 plus 400 jumping jacks and 40 pushups.
I'm going to buy a new HR monitor pretty soon. When I get it I'm going to wear the two together and see what the difference is!
Thank you all
I guess I should go ahead and buy a hr monitor. That should give me an approximate idea.

I appreciate you taking the time to answer me.

Good luck everyone

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