How many calories burned doing cathe?


Active Member
Hello everyone! I was just wondering how many calories does the average one burn doing an advanced workout such as cathe or even powerstrike? I am trying to closely watch my calorie intake and calories burned. I know it depends on your weight, but any general answers would be appreciated!! Thanks
Check out you can put in your age, weight, height and sex and then how long you did a certain type of exercise then select from a large array of choices of exercises from, taebo,kickboxing, step(both 6-8 in step to 10-12 in. step) to aeorbics in general to general housecleaning to lovemaking . Then it will calculate how many calories you burned doing the activity selected.:) The man who runs the site just revamped his formula for figuring the calories and it seems to be pretty accurate from others who have checked out the site and based it on another method.


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