If I recall, I just blocked out the space of about a week, and did the 1RMs as my w/o for that week. It didn't necessarily take a week to do, I don't think, because I may have had rest/cardio days in between. But I just planned it that way, so it could be done at my leisure, and I could become more familiar w/the program. I just kept an eye on the clock, and popped in each disc going once through each move and jotting down my weight, when it got to be the time of an average w/o had gone by (45 min -1hr), I stopped and stretched. By the end of the week I had my 1RMs done, and even some DOMS to boot!
FYI, I tried to keep all of the 1RM testing exercises related, i.e. all of the chest exercises on the same day (going through multiple discs 1,4,7,10, etc - doing ONLY exercises that had not been tested yet), legs the next day, then all of the back exercises on another day, if that makes any sense. This is what helped it to be more of a workout than just "wasting time" doing 1RMs. By the time you get to the third or fourth disc that day, you will only have a few new exercises to test for, so it goes by faster w/each disc.
Hope that makes sense, it was pretty simple, but seems confusing when I explain it, lol