How long should I wait before I take a test?


Well, it is sunday and I should of started my period friday! But curiosity got the best of me and I took a test yesterday, of course it was negative.I was only one day late. I took the test in the afternoon,after I had drank a large coffee and a big glass of water.
I am wondering how much longer I should wait? I don't want to waste anymore money and my period could be late b/c I have been doing more running lately.Averaging an extra 20-30kms a week.Which totally screws up my regular cycle.I only just got it back on track since the last 2 yrs.The best few monthes I have been 28-30 day cycle and now I am up to 32 days.How will I ever know when I am ovualting? Anyway, we will worry about that later.How much monger should I wait? A week?
Thanks ladies,
I'd wait a few more days and then try taking the test again, using the first urine in the morning. Maybe try taking one of the more sensitive tests, the ones you can do really early - sorry, I forgot the brand I used.

As for ovulation, I used an ovulation kit to help me predict my exact ovulation (my husband and I were too impatient to play around with this too long). It worked great. I just used a generic brand - either from Target or Walgreens, can't remember which.

Good luck!
Hi Lori, well my period is so regular I would only wait a day. My period was due this Saturday morning, but it didn't happen. It always arrives early in the morning! Saturday afternoon, still nothing...Saturday night?....I thought, OK first thing Sunday morning I'm going to take that test with hubby at my side. I was happily "seeing" all this happening and guess what? My period came. Harumph. Not impressed. We've only just started trying but you still expect it to happen first time round, don't you? I guess it's back to the drawing board for us now. Anyway, as for the testing, I was told it should be the first sample of the morning as it will be more accurate then. Keep us informed as to the result, won't you?

Thanks guys.I know what test your talk'in about.The 4 day early one.But they are $20.
In june I started 28days,in july I started 30 days and in Aug I started 29 days.Thats the last 3 monthes I can remember.I start first thing in the morning, or last thing before I go to bed.
I was pretty crabby yesterday though.But it may have had something to do with the fact that I had been up since 5:40 and I was stuck in a truck with the dog breathing and whining behind me.And my daughter squirming next to me.Then I try to take a little nap and my husband turns the music up.I thought I was gonna throw a major tantrum but I kept my cool.So was it PMS or just a bad situation? Who knows! I am really bloated today to.I normally don't get like this before my period.Anyway,Thanks for the answers,
I took the test this pregnancy a day BEFORE I missed my period and it still showed a faint line which I KNEW meant a baby on the way. I had the "Taking charge of your fertility" on order at our library and it came a month late. When I read the part about when to avoid "relations" I just knew that we had cut it close so I was extremely anxious to take the test. Of course my dh said...what really are the chances that you are pregnant, I mean come on people try sometimes for months to get much for his "take" on things!!! :)


Oh to answer your question, I'd wait a few days and try again, they are supposed to show up really soon (like the day after) and I did a very generic test and it showed up earlier than the missed day.
I would wait a couple more days! I took a test 2 days after my period was late and it was negative! It wasn't until 4 days after it was due that I finally got a positive!!! Plus my first positive was soooooooooo light!

Remember..... it is NOT over until the ugly ol' hag comes to town!!!!!

Babydust to you *~*~*~

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