How long per rotation?

Cathe had posted 16 weeks rotations before but I think anything you do for at least 4 weeks is just fine. (you can find the older rotations at need to change the rotation if you do not see any more results. Everyone is different, some people don't see anymore benefits if they do a strength series for longer than 5 weeks, they'll have to shake it up sooner.

Rotations are not the magic bullet to a nice body - calorie intake is.
Stay on a rotation as long or as little as you like! There are only three factors to consider:

1. results
(are you getting any? is it helping you achieve your goals? if not, don't be afraid to tweak it)

2. possible risk of injury
(are you getting achey or sore from what you are doing? is it too much intensity to maintain for longer than a few weeks?)

3. boredom factor

For me number three is the most complelling. My boredom threshold is the lowest of anyone I know! So three weeks doing the same thing is enuf for me! I don't really follow rotations, just trends, i.e. three weeks of heavy weight training, or three weeks of endurance cardio work, or three weeks of CTX type workouts, that's about as much as I can plan because my life is overstructured as it is and I need freedom within the general trend to do what the hell I like and what my mind needs on a daily basis!

Feel free to do what you want with your exercise time!

Isn't freedom great? ;-)

I have to respectfully disagree that calorie intake is the magic bullet to a "nice" body. Maybe rotations aren't the magic bullet either. I darn sure don't know what the magic bullet is or I would be using it. But I know one thing - my calorie intake is very decent and has been for a long time and I don't have near the nice body that some of my friends have. My 2 friends I'm referring to wouldn't exercise if their life depended on it and eat junk on a regular basis. I am quite sure their calorie intake is almost twice what mine is.

Like I said, I don't profess to know what the magic bullet is but I don't believe it is calorie intake. I don't believe that it is "quality" of calorie intake either because I do well in both areas - calorie intake and quality of calorie intake (veggies, fruits, lean meats and fish, whole grains, no sugar, very few simple carbs, and lots of water).


Edited to add that I mainly focus on cardio and only hit each body part once per week with weights - perhaps that's the magic bullet that I'm missing.
Calorie requirements are a totally personal thing. One person can eat loads of calories, but their metabolism is so fast (even if they don't exercise), they don't gain weight. Other people have much slower metabolism and must rely on exercise to rev it up and must lower their calorie intake. If you eat more calories than your body burns, you will gain weight. So, if you were blessed with fast metabolism, plus good genes, lucky you.
Lisa: How old are your friends? I ask because throughout her teens and twenties my sister had an awesome body but ate pratically anything she wanted and did little exercise. She was very tiny through the waist and hips but large on top. Basically a live Barbie doll. And she ate Big Macs and always had the sweets around! It did catch up to her when she had kids, though. She is 39 and not in very good shape. I know a lot of people who have great shapes at a young age and then lose it later.

I'm 36 and in much better shape than I was in my twenties, but more due to exercise than eating. I know I've got to do something about that. But, I have better eating habits than my sister does. I think the eating is the hardest part, especially as one ages.
My friends are my age, 37. That's the part that amazes me. I know people in their teens and twenties can get away with that but I always thought it would catch up with them. . . but it didn't, even after they had kids. Oh well, I guess I should just be happy for them. And I am, but I have to admit that I'm somewhat jealous too. I guess I wish that everybody had to "work for it". Does that make sense? At least if I'm gonna have to work for it, I have my Cathe videos to help guide me. She sure knows how to make a workout fun!


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