How long for visible results?


New Member
Hello! I am a "ninety-eight pound weakling" woman looking to add muscle. I just started working out about two weeks ago (using Cathe's Strong Legs as well as light cardio and weight training at my local gym). How long does it take to begin seeing results (i.e. muscles taking shape)? I keep reading that women can not really "bulk up" which is very disheartening when that's the goal I'd actually like to achieve. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. You all are so educated about these things!! Thanks!

It all depends on your body type - and, by the description of yourself, you sound like an ectomorph. Ectos have difficulty "bulking." I've seen some incredibly strong ectomorphs, but they don't have a lot of muscle definition.

Also, it's very important for you to get adequate protein to build muscle.

"Pain is weakness leaving the body."
If you are training at the most challenging weight you can for a few reps once a week (I mean really lift with perfect form a weight too heavy to do 5 reps, but you can do 4 OK) along with your reasonable workout schedule and eat plenty of the right foods, you will see satisfying results in 3 months or less.

Meanwhile read all you can and delve into details because they really make a difference.

I recommend you consider getting the Slow and Heavy series because it is made for the type of gain you want.
Thank you both for the excellent information. It sounds like I've got a lot of heavy lifting and conscientious eating ahead of me. So glad to hear there is hope (and not too long from now). I really appreciate your comments!

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