How Long does DOM Last?



I'm Chris, a lurker here, but a big Cathe fan, nonetheless!

I had a question, hoping someone be able to help...

I did one of the new workouts from 4-Day Split on Saturday morning. Actually, I did 2, first Bootcamp, and then Biceps & Triceps. I actually thought that Bi's and Tri's was a little "easy" compared to other Cathe upper body workouts, but still worked in spots. I think it was because it was shorter, and the reps didn't go on forever, that is seemed "easier".

So I was quite surprised to find the back part of my triceps and actually my biceps too, aching like crazy on Sunday!! I was pretty happy! LOL!

But now, it's Wednesday, 4 days later, and the back of my triceps and rear delts are still kind of sore! Is that "ok"/"normal"? Has that happened to anyone before?

Also to add, I've been working out consistantly with cardio and weights for 5 years, so I'm not new to working out to say the least.

I'm interested to hear what you all think!

Yes, what you are experiencing is in the realm of "normal". This is a brand new workout to your body so it takes some getting used to. It is a good and a bad thing all at once ;)

I still had a bit of calf and shoulder soreness from BC & the shoulder weight workout. I can generally lift rather heavy, but Cathe has a way of hitting the muscle from every darn angle (with what seems like not a super heavy weight) that leaves a slow after burn. It's a love/hate relationship. As you get accustomed to the new workouts, it shouldn't last that long, and then you know to bump it up a notch }(


I don't want to take a pill. Go to Africa, go follow some bushman around. He's being chased by a lion. That's stress. You're not going to find a pygmy on Paxil, I'll tell you that right now.
-Ellen Degeneres
Hi Chris,

Did you have a good stretch after the workout?

I find that if I stretch real nice and do a light massage after the workout, the soreness doesn't last as long.

Just a thought.

Thanks! What you say makes sense. It does seem like a little bit of a new area of soreness. So I'm sure she hit a spot that doesn't normally get hit.

I did the stretch that was on the workout afterwards. I think I will do more for the next one!! I'm a little bit "afraid" of chest and back! and shoulders too! I can only imagine.

I did do the lower body work and core on the 4DS, which left me with only a little bit of DOM. It seems harder to get my lower body to have DOM. But I did do a lower body rotation last month, so maybe that's why.

FYI: it's DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness) and is singular. Like "My DOMS is really bad today!"

And it usually kicks in about 24-48 hours after a workout. If it lasts too long, it can impede your progress, so I think a good goal is to have as little as possible while working out hard (the last few reps of a set should be very challenging, and maybe even some shakes going on with the last rep of a bench press).

DOMS is more common when you do a new type of workout or new exercises, increase weights, or stress the negative portion of the move (ie: you lower the weight slowly on bicep curls).

Sometimes, DOMS can be reduced or prevented by stretching, soaking in a tub of epsom salts (the magnesium in them helps), working out early enough in the day so that you aren't inactive afterwards.

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