How long did it take you to change barbell weight?


I finaly got appropriate weight for doing PUB/PLB. I even went out got a straight bar and clip to replace my old bar with screw. It took so long to change weight. I thought this would make me keep pace with Cathe. However, this morning when I did PLB, I fell behind for all sesion. It took so long, I have to pause dvd every time she changed weight. I would like to know how long does it take you guys to change weight? And when it takes longer time to change, will it reduce the intensity? If this is the case, any recommendations for speed up?


She goes at breakneck speed changing plates in PLB. That's why I do this workout with dumbbells. Anyway, I have the old barbell that you described, the screw type and it's a real PIA to change plates. I haven't been able to locate a barbell with quick release collars in any of my local sporting goods stores, so I bought an EZ curl barbell and extra plates. Having two barbells around with different weight settings has saved me a lot of time!
The weight changes in PLB go too fast for my taste. I don't feel I can manoeuver the weight safely at that speed, so I take the time I need, which also gives me more of a break so my muscles can recover before the next set. By the time I'm done, Cathe and crew have started the first rep, so I back chapter (or pause). (ETA: I have the fast-change slip collars, too, but I still can't keep up with Cathe and crew!)

IMO, PLB would be the PERFECT workout except for this. Luckily, we have the pause button and the back-chapter button!
I just wanted to let you know that you can buy the collars separately from an entire barbell set. I purchased mine at Dicks for about $3.00 and they work fine. They do speed things up a bit, but I also have two barbells and a good set of dumbbells and try to keep the changing to a minimum. Maybe just once for each exercise rather than for each rep set.
I have two barbells. One is old and cheap and always set to 35 lbs. The other one I set up to 45. Then I move a set of 2 1/2 pound ankle weights off of the ends of one barbell to another. So, I can quickly change from 35 to 40 to 45 or to 50, depending on the exercise. I keep up with Cathe no problem. In fact, I often stand and breathe a bit while she is still changing weights!! If I didn't have this system, I would probably never do this workout.
Mariela, I bought some quick release collars hoping they would fit on the screw type barbell and they don't!:-(
Thanks everyone. I think I am going to do the same way some of you did, setting weight in both my new and old barbell and using dumbbell if necessary. That really works. I don't like to lose intensity.



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