Well Said Bobbi-B. I totally agree. The fact you posted about it shows that you recognize it and want to solve it. You came to a good place. There are so many cool people on here !!
I used to be the EXACT same way. I thought for some reason that I wasn't being a valid human unless I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off from 7am to 11pm, Mon-Sun. I would take on everything that was thrown at me , and then would worry my butt off about it all. I ended up sick with worry & Anxiety, literally, so, I stopped. I thought of it like this:
Having your whole city flooded & ruined by a hurricane like New Orleans, and having absolutely no where to go is something to stress & worry about.
I always tell myself: 'Having some bills, a bad hair day, too much work on your desk, a car/truck broken down, crabby boss, a zit on your nose ( like I have today ) or just too much to do in general is NOT something to stress about. I try to enjoy it. We have jobs, roofs over our heads, a great circle of friends, loving family,shoulders to cry on, freedom, Cathe to keep us in shape,,,,,
' Granted if something negative comes my way like a sickness, or extra expense for example, I do the best I can with what I have to get it taken care of.
A perfect quote that I once saw: "Everyday above ground is a good day" So true.
Please get the book: "The Secret" by Rhonda Burnes. The Power of Positive thinking. It's a life changer. It really put things into perspective for me. I still have bad days sometimes, but then again, who doesn't right ?
Kick that worry in it's ass !