How does Drill Max compare to . . .


Boot Camp (cardio intensity; resistance training cycles)?

Gauntlet in The Terminator compilation disc from the Intensity Series (especially cardio intensity)?

Any of the I-Maxes (cardio / plyo intensity)?

High Step Training Advanced (cardio intensity; resistance training cycles)?

I'm not set to get my . . . well, set until Tues. p.m. All comments welcome!


Sorry I am of no help, but wanted to say that Boot Camp and Gauntlet are scary words, kind of like boogeyman, loch ness monster... I have them but it will be a long time before I attempt them, They seem a bit too intense for my fitness level, gives me something to work up to. I wonder how many boxes of Wheaties Cathe eats before she does one of these workouts :) :) :)
I can't wait to hear the responses here - you just rattled off some of my ALL TIME FAVORITE Cathe workouts. :)

P-L-E-A-S-E.....someone respond to A-Jocks questions...inquiring minds WANT to know! Mine aren't due to arrive until Tuesday also!!!
I have both Bootcamp and Drill Max. They are similar in the drill segment concept, but Bootcamp's circuits are more weight-centric, I think. The weights in Drill Max are lighter, the cardio is longer, and the toning elements are more "functional fitness" oriented. However, rest assured, it is a challenging workout. I find it to be quite fun, as well. Cathe, like always, adds new moves and new twists on old moves, increasing the challenge level. There are some things in Drill Max is simply can't do - yet. Which is perfect, in my book. I can't say I like one more than the other, as they are different enough. I am very happy to have Drill Max! Fun, fun workout!!
Thanks, NY25! I'm set to get mine in less than 24 hours, and Drill Max is the one I've been looking forward to the most!

I did Drill Max this morning. I have Boot Camp and the Imaxes so these are the only ones that I can compare. This is my view:

Drill Max is harder than Boot Camp mainly due to the longer cardio drills and the functional weight work that keeps you moving. I think its length tests your endurance too. I just love the football move! I think in Boot Camp you can go heavier in weights because the functional moves mean that you are moving while lifting the weight hence you can't lift as heavy.

Compared to the Imaxes, I think it is less high impact. Intensity wise, I don't think it is as hard as Imax 3, however the endurance requirement is more, again due to its length.

In summary, it is a fun workout, lots of new moves and variety. My only criticism is that I personally like workouts around the 60min mark and this is a fair bit longer.
A-Jock, I did Drill Max this morning and here's my take on your questions:

1. COMPARED TO BC: Cardio intensity and resistance training cycles in Drill Max seemed easier to me, but because it was my first time, I didn't feel familiar enough with it to give it my all. Also, my legs tend to give out in low squat/lunge moves before my heart does, so I probably don't go as low on these as you do. I also can't do divebomber or core push-ups so did straight-legged and knee push-ups there. Once I work up to those and the plank push-ups at the end, it will be more challenging. Also, I could barely lift my knees during the tuck jumps in the last drill; the cardio in that one was tough.

2. GAUNTLET: I think Gauntlet is harder, but see above.

3. IMAXES: The cardio in the Imaxes is more intense to me.

4. HSTA: I think Drill Max is harder.

Rocky and I would love to hear what you think after you've done it.
Hello, Sooooooooooooosan (that appears to still be your name after all this time) . . .

I previewed DM last night, and I agree with your assessment. I only previewed the workout as originally produced, and I have the feeling I'm gonna be in premix land with this one. I'm in a bit of a pickle because my lightest dumbbells are 20 lbs each; I'm not sure I can modify productively.

Well . . . off now to preview Body Max 2! Tell Rocky that Fiona's probation officer has issued a bench warrant for her. Some silliness about tail-flailing at Ric's Cabaret again.


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