How do you use MIS?

Hi everyone-
I used MIS for the first time today. I thought it was a great strength workout but missed the cardio. I am wondering how you use it? Does anyone mix and match it with anything on the same day? I do not have MIC but am thinking about buying it. I do have Cardio Kicks, CTX series, Body Max and Interval Max. I also have all of the old Firm classics along with a few of the newer ones. Any thoughts folks? Thanks for your time. KB
When I use MIS I do it one day and then on the next day I do a cardio. I tend to find Cathe standing leg work hard on my knees so if I am having a tough week I do some floor leg work instead of her standing work. I have tried to add cardio after MIS but I am just too tired!

I also have done two days of MIS, two cardio days and then a firm classic with both cardio and weights.

So a rotation may look like this

Mon - MIS
Tues -Cardo
Wed -MIS
Thurs CArdo
Fri - cardio or stretch or pilates
Sat - Firm
Sun rest

There are so many ways to use this tape and Cathe tapes - I am sure you will get other great responses too!
Thanks so much-
I used it this afternoon with Cardio Kicks-CTX series only. I skipped the weight training on the CTX. I can see where a person can mix it with others. Thanks
I did MIS this morning. I did Happy Hour Hi/Lo then MIS. Sometimes I do it alone and do cardio the next day.
I did it today too! I usually do the following:
Sat. CTX All Step and CTX shoulders and chest
Sun. CTX Kickbox and CTX biceps and back
Mon. CTX Leaner Legs and CTX triceps
Tues. A cardio tape (usually Cardio Kicks or Step Jam)
Wed. MIC Hi/Lo and MIS Upper Body
Thurs. MIC Step and MIS Lower Body
Fri. REST!
I like having MIC (you had mentioned buying it) since I can mix it up and it's nice to have a hi/lo workout since most of mine are step. I always split MIS up, but I will be doing an endurance rotation soon where I will do the whole tape Sun and Tue, a Cathe step tape Sat, Mon, & Wed, and maybe a Firm tape on Thur. Cathe is so versitile, I love her workouts!
Thanks for the rotation idea!

Jillybean -

I like the way you combined CTX, MIS, and MIC! I've been playing with ideas myself trying to get more cardio into my routine without sacrificing time spent on strength training AND in a reasonable amount of workout time.

I'm so excited about this rotation I think I'll scrap my plans for next week and do this instead!

Thanks again!

RE: Thanks for the rotation idea!

Hi! I am so glad you like the rotation! It is one of my favorites! I really don't like to work out beyond 60-70 minutes. When I workout longer than that (say, 90 minutes at a time,) I think about food too much and it could be psychological, but my ankles and knees hurt if I go past this time frame. Do you have Body Max? Another rotation I love is keeping Sat-Tues the same as above, but then doing the Body Max step and upper body potions on Wed. and the Body Max circuit portion and CTX Power Circuit on Thur. That is a fun rotation too! Have a great weekend!
RE: Thanks for the rotation idea!

Thank you too for your wonderful suggestions Jillybean. I will try using MIS this way. I have been debating MIC. Do you like this video? Is it too intense? I have been doing Interval Max-I should rephrase this-I have been trying to do Interval Max is MIC anything like this one? Thanks so much for your time. KB
RE: Thanks for the rotation idea!

I hear ya on the 'trying to do Imax!' I posted a thread called "Is MIC fun?" I'm sure if you did a search you could find it, it wasn't that long ago. Anyway, a lot of people responded, "Not really". But I like it. I happen to only have step videos so to get a Cathe hi/lo routine was great. She does lots of scoops which I like and little intensity bursts during the hi/lo which I like too. My favorite part of the video is the step workout. It is not tricky choreography, but it has some of the best music ever ( "I Wish" and "Love Rollercoster") it just really motivates me. I have the DVD, so since the hi/lo portion isn't really intense until the last half, I sometimes do 2 intervals from Imax (it's on the DVD too) at the end of the hi/lo section to end my cardio with a bang. You could just FF your Imax tape to the middle and do the same thing. I suggest looking up that thread, read some reviews and see for yourself what others thought about MIC, but I am glad I bought it. I have yet to do the entire thing at one time, but split in half, it's great!
RE: Thanks for the rotation idea!

Hi again JillyBean-
I did a search for MIC last week and could not find anything. Thanks for your advice. I read a previous post from you about older videos. I too wonder the same thing-should I go backwards or not? Well I bought Mega Step Blast. I hope it's not too dancey! We'll see. By the way, my first experience with cathe was Interval Max. My jaw dropped when I was those Tucks. I was like -OH MY GOD! I am not a cheerleader. Anyway enjoy! KB
RE: Thanks for the rotation idea!

Jillybean -

Yes, I have Body Max but have never done the entire thing because of the length of time. I like the idea of combining the circuits in Body Max with the circuits in Power Circuit on Wednesday. What do you do on Thursday then? Do you skip MIS lower body and do MIS upper body with MIC Hi/Lo or Step? That's what I'd do -- depending on how I felt the next day of course!

I love getting new ideas on rotations here. I seem to get easily bored doing the same tapes in the same sequence all the time even if I do love the workout. I need a lot of variety I guess. That's why I'm itching for spring so I can get out and do more walking/jogging. It's sunny today but the wind makes it COLD (brrrrr) here in Wisconsin.

Have a Happy Easter!


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