How do you use Cathe's strength series?


Active Member
I have Cathe's Pyramids, Pure Strength, Slow & Heavy and the Gym Styles, and currently I am doing an 8 week rotation using all of them. I do them as presented in a 3 day split, (Pyramids being the exception) and tack on a total body or circuit workout at the end (I have ME, SJP, C&W, SS & PP). I do each series for 2 weeks, oh and for the Pyramids, I do upper and lower body once per week then do one of the premixes at the end. Before I was doing each series in it's entirety twice per week, which was a bit much. I am finding this is working better and I am not so burnt out.

Anyway, I am just wondering how you seasoned Catheites use these series, I find each one to be beneficial and unique in it's own way and I really like all 4 of them. I am looking to gain strength and get some definition, but I also know that diet plays a big part too, which I am also working on.

Any input or ideas you might have would be very helpful.

Thanks in advance.
For the last few months, I've been cherry picking the rotations that Cathe has put together over the years, switching focus between upper and lower body each month. But, after this, I'm thinking about doing a rotation exactly as you suggest - do a strength series for 2 weeks (interspersed with cardio), then switch to a different strength series. I think the change every so often would be great to keep your muscles guessing, and for your mental state, so you don't get bored.

How have you been liking this? Seeing any results yet?

I do monthly rotations. I'll use a two or three day split series (like The Pyramdis or They Gym Styles) along with a total body workout (like Mucles Max or Muscle Endurance). This way, each body part gets worked twice a week. I'll use these same workouts for four weeks and then switch to a new set for the next four weeks.

M - I haven't seen results yet, however my diet really needs work too so I think that is the main problem. But by doing it this way, I think I will be able to keep it up longer, I know what I was doing before was too much. This way I am getting more recovery time where I was probably not getting enough before. I also do a short cardio session after my weights (20-30 minutes) so I am hoping that will help some too, I tend to lack in the cardio department and I really need to step it up there.
But so far I am liking this schedule it works for me, just need to work on the other part and I look forward to seeing what happens. I also like doing yoga & pilates and aim to do those 2-3 per week, but I am a beginner/intermediate at most for both so neither is too intense, I just like doing them though.

Shelbygirl - Thanks for your suggestion too, I think by doing it this way I could go for 4 weeks with each series, I bet I would see improvements then. I am going to try that.

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

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