How do you stop your child from picking at scabs?


Active Member
Hi Everyone,

I have a question for you. Has anyone else had an issue of their child picking scabs or pulling at skin around the fingernails, or picking at fingernails?

If you have any advice I would appreciate it.

Picking scabs is a guilty pleasure still sometimes. I'm just being honest but I know it's gross. I also bit my nails until I was 38 after trying absolutely everything. Maybe pictures of scars? It helps me also to cover the scab with the waterproof nexcare bandages so i dont have to change them all the time. I know I have a lot worse scars because I picked scabs.

Yes, they are picking at their own scabs. It's true the bandaid method does work. In this case as soon as we take the bandaid off and it is healed he picks at it again. It is an ongoing challenge.
How old is the kid? For younger kids, I think it's just something they do. I occassionally still do it and I'm 47!!
My child is 9. He has been doing this off and on since he was 3. You are right it is a guilty pleasure. What have you found that works for you?

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