How do you organize your workout dvd's?


How do you all organize your workout dvd's? I keep all my Cathe and Beachbody dvd's in dvd binders. The rest of my workout dvd's I keep in decorative boxes which I bought from IKEA. The boxes are taking up a lot of space in my workout room. I was thinking putting my workout dvd's in dvd sleeves, they don't take up a lot of space :) I have a huge workout dvd collection, I am running out of space :D:p How do you all organize your workout dvd's? Binders are good when you travel, you fit a lot of dvd's in them :p I was thinking about dvd sleeves? They really don't take up a lot of space. What do I do with the original art work? Should I get sleeves or more binders? Help!!! I am running out of space in my workout room :D:p:D
I am running out of space in my workout room :D:p:D

Belinda, I think this is the most shocking revelation I've ever read on the forums! How did this happen?!?!? :) LOL!

Sorry, had to tease you. I wish I could offer you some solutions. I just have all of my DVDs in cases lined up in a bookshelf like books. But since you are the Imelda Marcos of workout DVDs, I don't think that suggestion will work for you. :D

How do you all organize your workout dvd's? I keep all my Cathe and Beachbody dvd's in dvd binders. The rest of my workout dvd's I keep in decorative boxes which I bought from IKEA. The boxes are taking up a lot of space in my workout room. I was thinking putting my workout dvd's in dvd sleeves, they don't take up a lot of space :) I have a huge workout dvd collection, I am running out of space :D:p How do you all organize your workout dvd's? Binders are good when you travel, you fit a lot of dvd's in them :p I was thinking about dvd sleeves? They really don't take up a lot of space. What do I do with the original art work? Should I get sleeves or more binders? Help!!! I am running out of space in my workout room :D:p:D

You're running out of space? I can't imagine that. I wonder why? You're killing me, Lisa. The Imelda Marcos of workout DVDs, LOL! I just have mine on bookshelves. I know a few people that use binders, they work very well.
Belinda, I think this is the most shocking revelation I've ever read on the forums! How did this happen?!?!? :) LOL!

Sorry, had to tease you. I wish I could offer you some solutions, but I just have all of my DVDs in cases lined up in a bookshelf like books. But since you are the Imelda Marcos of workout DVDs, I don't think that suggestion will work for you. :D


Funny girl :D My dvd's are taking up to much space in those boxes :) I don't have a bookshelf, in my workout room. Once I get the flooring done, I really don't want to much stuff standing around. Except my weight bench, step and weights. Thanks anyway :p
Good question!

I previously had a TV stand that could hold a lot of DVDs, but had to get 2 mini DVD towers I put next to the TV (Walmart - they were the most compact ones I could find). I outgrew that and had to buy a new TV stand (Copenhagen) that had double the room as the previous TV stand (holds approx. 150 regular sized DVD cases). It has 3 areas - an open area (approx 64 DVD cases) where I can easily access and view DVDs (where I keep the majority of Cathe workouts) and 2 areas where it is behind a glass door (I keep STS, Cathe abs, Cathe stretch, and Cathe cycle videos and all other instructor videos).

However, after ICE and my next BB/EFX purchase I will about outgrow this TV stand! I actually like it when instructors put an entire series in one DVD case.

I was going to get rid of my TV stand and bolt the TV to the wall, but I wouldn't know what to do with my videos! My next step is to perhaps bolt the TV to the wall to gain workout space and build a shelving unit in the closet that is conveniently off to the side of the room.

I debated on getting DVD sleeves, but I am very visual and like to look and see the videos - and the artwork reminds me of what the videos are about. I may pull out those Walmart DVD towers and put my less used videos in that and then put it in the closet off to the side so it doesn't take up valuable workout space.

I also made an excel spreadsheet of every single video and its premix and stated whether it was upper/lower/entire body, cardio, MWT, HiiT, etc and the time. I put that in a binder and use it for reference since I plan my week out in advance. For travel, I take Cathe's digital downloads.

I have always wondered what others do for space. I probably have a smaller DVD collection than most so would like to hear what others do.
Belinda, I think this is the most shocking revelation I've ever read on the forums! How did this happen?!?!? :) LOL!

Sorry, had to tease you. I wish I could offer you some solutions. I just have all of my DVDs in cases lined up in a bookshelf like books. But since you are the Imelda Marcos of workout DVDs, I don't think that suggestion will work for you. :D

LOL -- well said, Lisa.
WHAAAAT! No space!?!? Stop it! Ok seriously, I have a bookshelf. All DVDs are kept in their original cases. I move them from shelf to shelf to rotate them. For you have wall space? Maybe you could tack the sleeves up on the wall. Or get a hanging shelf thing, the cloth kind that you usually put shoes in Ms. Marcos!
I'm with the ladies who keep theirs in original cases, lined up like books, all DVDs by same instructor together, on a book shelf in my basement.

If you have no room in your workout area for this, you could always have the bookshelf with DVDs in another room and just take with you the ones you need for each workout no sweat. Any use?

My house is over 4000 sqft :D My workout room is in my basement which is huge :p Do I have room do display all my dvd's…..the answer is YES :D If I display all my workout dvd's that will take up a lot of space .Then I have to buy a book a shelf or two, that will take up a lot of space. I don't like clutter :p I have to be organized about everything :p I like modern clean lines. I don't like displaying lots of stuff , I also don't like lots of stuff hanging on my walls:p This weekend I am going shopping to Bethesda (Walter Reed), they have a huge Navy Exchange. I am sure I find something. Maybe I buy anther binder that hold 175 dvd's? I also like the idea of sleeves? They really don't take up a lot of space? Thanks for all your recommendations. I really appreciated it:) I will keep you posted :)
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My house is over 4000 sqft :D My workout room is in my basement which is huge :p Do I have room do display all my dvd's…..the answer is YES :D If I display all my workout dvd's that will take up a lot of space .Then I have to buy a book a shelf or two, that will take up a lot of space. I don't like clutter :p I have to be organized about everything :p I like modern clean lines. I don't like displaying lots of stuff , I also don't like lots of stuff hanging on my walls:p This weekend I am going shopping to Bethesda (Walter Reed), they have a huge Navy Exchange. I am sure I find something. Maybe I buy anther binder that hold 175 dvd's? I also like the idea of sleeves? They really don't take up a lot of space? Thanks for all your recommendations. I really appreciated it:) I will keep you posted :)

So you use binders now? Do you like binders? Do they work well. I'm thinking of taking my bookshelves down as well. I'm getting tired of dusting them.
So you use binders now? Do you like binders? Do they work well. I'm thinking of taking my bookshelves down as well. I'm getting tired of dusting them.

Pooh, dusting! Was there ever a more useless, worthless, time-wasting chore? Can you tell I am totally in denial?!

Belinda: what you really need is some kind of futuristic cupboard space in the basement workout area whereby you press some button and it emerges from the wall, you make your DVD selections and it all glides back inside again. Poof, gone! Neat, pristine, super clean. Like something from on board the Starship Enterprise. Bring it on!

So you use binders now? Do you like binders? Do they work well. I'm thinking of taking my bookshelves down as well. I'm getting tired of dusting them.

I have 2 binders which I like. Yes, they would work, but I am always looking for other ideas that take up even less space. I have a lot of dvd's (original case) in decorative boxes. I would like to get rid of them, they starting to take up a lot of space. I love all my workout dvd's, but really don't want to display them:D What are your plans for your dvd's?
Pooh, dusting! Was there ever a more useless, worthless, time-wasting chore? Can you tell I am totally in denial?!

Belinda: what you really need is some kind of futuristic cupboard space in the basement workout area whereby you press some button and it emerges from the wall, you make your DVD selections and it all glides back inside again. Poof, gone! Neat, pristine, super clean. Like something from on board the Starship Enterprise. Bring it on!


Clare, I love that idea :D This is totally me. Mmm…..wonder if I can find something like that? I really need to google that one:p Love it!!
You are giving me living space envy here Belinda! lol. Whatever you do, don't tell me about all of your kitchen counter room okay?! :p

My kitchen is huge and I have lot's of counter room :D:D It's just DH/I and 2 dogs living in this house. Lots of room when guest come:D We do plan on downsizing in a few year. The house is just too big for us. I do love my workout room in the basement. Believe it or not….I ran 5 miles in my basement without a treadmill :p:D I have my own running track. Now that gives you an idea how huge my workout area is :) I can't run outside due to the heat/humidity:( I love it:D That's another reason I don't want bookshelves blocking my way.
Computer download all of them. Then buy a package of scan discs from Costco. Put them on those.

We lived in a big house (6 bedrooms) when my kids were young. The kids went from room to room making a mess. (as kids do) I spent my whole life cleaning house. I was so happy to downsize.
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Karen, I am starting to buy downloads. But I need to figure something out with the dvd's I already have? When we moved from Germany to the US( when my husband retired from the military after 31 + years), that was the only house in decent shape. Didn't needed any work besides painting the walls. That was the first house we looked at and we ended up buying the house after 8 month :) We both didn't wanted a huge house, but it didn't made any sense to buy a smaller house for more money and most of the smaller houses where in the country? I mean in the middle of nowhere :( DH and I lived in our RV for over 8 month, looking to find the right house. I should post pic of my workout area I had when we lived in the RV for over 8 month :) I had an entire gym in the RV :p I did STS in the RV too !! LOL! Everything we looked at wasn't worst the $$, plus they needed a lot of work. We looked at smaller houses too, but they wanted a lot more money than we payed for ours :) Go figure! We knew when we bought the house, that wasn't our retirement house. We both love the house…it's just too big :) We do have amazing neighbors :) Once my husband retires from his second job, we will figure it all out. My husband works 5 min from our house. He comes home for lunch. Love it! :D
Speaking of organizing things how does everybody organize their downloads? DVD downloads and PDF downloads for paper programs? I'm running out of space on my laptop but not sure of what backup option will allow me to still stream them to my Roku or access them quickly from my tablet or phone. Google Drive, Dropbox, others??
Speaking of organizing things how does everybody organize their downloads? DVD downloads and PDF downloads for paper programs? I'm running out of space on my laptop but not sure of what backup option will allow me to still stream them to my Roku or access them quickly from my tablet or phone. Google Drive, Dropbox, others??

I was thinking about that very thing this am. Would love ideas!!

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