How do you motivate yourself???


Active Member
I have taken two days off of exercising because "I just don't feel like it". How do ya'll motivate yourselves to do your exercise when you are in the same situation? I know that I should, and I know that I need to, but I just can't seem to get off of the couch.

Ashley Bx(
Go window clothes shopping and try a few outfits on - this always makes me feel ill, and I just get back to the exercise !

Anna :7
I hear ya Ashley!

Between you and me (and all you Cathe-ites), I don't like to exercise -- I'd rather sleep in on a cold winter morning than voluntarily submit myself to the torture which others call "fun".

It's a struggle for me every morning -- but most of the time I just say to myself "Just do it!" And, I just do. Get the darn thing over so I can just chill. It makes the rest of the day go by like a breeze. I listen to my co-workers whine about their aches and pains, and I'm thinkin' "Honey, you don't know the meaning of pain 'til you've done a gzillion barbell lunges. Now that's Motrin pain!". And I haven't had or taken a "real" sick-day in at least 5 years (but I've taken one or two fake ones, if you know what I mean).

So my 2 cents: exercise isn't always fun. But a gal's gotta do what a gal's gotta do. At least this gal!

Have a great weekend!

I have several things that keep me going. One is you girls on this forum. I read your successes and what worked for you. Your enthusiasm when you try different rotations is contagious. It makes me brave to try something new. You are knowledgeable about many things and I learn so much from you all.
I stop by here first thing in the morning while eating my breakfast. :D
I've always kept a journal listing my workouts. I keep track of my weight and measurments as well as what weights I am using for the workouts. With the results on paper and actually seeing the changes in the mirror, and having to set up bigger weights for my workouts is motivating.
You can see where you came from, where you are and the hope of better things to come by keeping track and writing it down. I keep my log handy and write in it everyday. Recently I added a food log.

New workout clothes is fun. I get something new when I've reached a certain goal. Then I wear it with pride because I feel I worked hard for it and I earned it.
And new toys....balls, weights, etc. These put pizzazz in a workout and keeps me motivated as I am keeping my workouts fresh.

And last but not least, the warmth and excitement and care coming from Cathe's videos makes me want to try harder and give my best and my all to my fitness routine. :D
I have a 15 minute rule. I put in a tape/dvd & promise that after the warm up, I will do 15 minutes of the tape. If I still want to quit after that, I have permission. Sometimes I feel like continuing & even feel great about finishing. Othertimes I just give it up & go get a glass of water.

Hang in there. We all have days like this!
2. New workout videos/DVDs
3. Get a NEW crush ... someone hot or fit to get you into insecurity- must-work-out mode.
4. ANGER ...when the SO gets me mad, I work out thinking " I'll dump him when I'm a 2".
5. Motivational Fridge Pics of ladies from Oxygen or M&F Hers. I really liked that Oxygen cover with the 3 models! Plus the AB exercises!:p
I do what Deborah suggests, the 15 minute rule. Or I do a less-intimidating tape sometimes, or drop the step to 6" instead of 8".

I also know the fear of God-substitute: If I *don't* workout, I will lose all the fitness I have worked for, my butt-management program will be won by my butt, I will become just another potato-shaped middle-aged woman, complaining about aches and pains and my lost youth. Pretty scary, eh? You wanna work out now, dontcha, hold those demons at bay. You don't want to lose a war with your own butt do you????}(
Ashley, I have felt that way at times too. One possibility is that you may be pushing yourself too hard, at least it happens that way with me. I find that if I do too many intense workouts and try to go too many days in a row, I burn out fast. Perhaps this is your body saying "gimme a break!" Take your couple of days and then try a lighter workout... something that won't feel daunting after a couple rest days. I know it can be hard to get back into it... but think of how great you'll feel after that 30, 45 or 60 minutes (however long you normally go) is over. I love that feeling just after I workout and I think a LOT about it when I'm feeling particularly unmotivated. You'll get back to it before you know it! ;-)
Sometimes I listen to that voice that says to take a day off, if it's because of tiredness, for example. But I use several types of motivation.

First, there is the negative motivation: if I don't keep fit and exercise, I may end up like our former department secretary: overweight, bordering on diabetes, unable to waddle more than a few yards without getting out of breath. Also, I remember back to the time, just a few months ago, when I had gotten out of the exercise routine for a while, and the mirror in my exercise area was not a pretty sight to behold.

Then, there is the positive motivation I get from feeling and seeing the progress I've made and contrasting it with that unpleasant mirror image. Also, our new department secretary is young and fit, and I'm somewhat trying to "keep up" with her.

Then, there are those days when I just don't feel like exercising, but I know it's mental exhaustion (a long day, students being at their most annoying, my starting to develop a headache) and not physical fatigue and I SHOULD exercise. This happened just a few days ago, when I was scheduled to do Boot Camp. I was about to just throw in the cards and reschedule the workout until the next day, but I decided to go through with it. My method of psyching myself up seems rather bizarre, even to me. I first set up my interlocking flooring (not bizarre) and got my weights ready). Then, I went to my workout wear drawer (actually a big Rubbermade container) and started sorting through my choices, in search of the "perfect" outfit for the day (as if it would matter. I mean, the only ones to see it are myself and my cats!). As I was sorting, I narrowed it down to two choices: blue for calming or red for energy (which I actually commented on to myself). I finally chcse red for energy. My workout went really well, and the beginning of a headache disappeared about 15 minutes in.

I think that when you do something repeatedly, there is a certain ritual associated with it (like setting up the area and choosing the perfect workout outfit) that your subconscious gets used to. As you move further into the ritual, your mind starts to get your body ready. I've read that people who run on a consistent basis get to a point where their heart rate begins to rise a bit when they put on their shoes--their mind knows what's to come and starts to get the body ready.
Sometimes I listen to my body and take a couple days rest.

Other days I look at my butt in the mirror while wearing jeans with the shirt tucked in (by holding a mirror in hand and facing my butt to the mirror..... plus a nice long stare! ) It usually motivates me either way.... if it looks skinnier then I think "ooh.. the work is paying off.... if I look fatter I think "ooh better get my butt out of bed tomorrow morning:) I usually do this once a week on fridays because I always wear jeans to work on Fridays! Plus it helps me to eat better on Friday's since that is the day that usually kicks off a weekend of good or bad eating:)

Other days... I just come to this board and am immediately motivated by all the wonderful women and friends who understand where I am coming from:)

Don't get down! There are good days and not so good days! Maybe your body needs a rest!
I sort of do what LuvCardio does...but with my summer clothes. I try a few summer things on periodically over the winter and see how they are fitting. If they fit the same or better than last summer, I think keep it up its working. If they are a little snug than last summer (as mine are now....bummer) I think, get your but moving. You don't want to look worse than you did last year. The Victoria's Secret cataloge is also a great motivator for me. Not that I would ever want to be as skinny as those if.....but I sure as heck don't want to be fat either. I also like the one about losing your fitness level. Just think about how much work you've put into yourself.....It would be such a waste to lose it. I also visualize myself looking 10 lbs. thinner or as toned as Cathe. This alos keeps me motivated. One thing I never do is allow myself to take more than 2 days off. I usually only take 1 off. I could so easily get out of the working out routine. I don't give myself the chance. Get back in there girl. You'll be so glad you did.

Checing in on this forum in the morning with a cup of tea before my workout helps motavate me.
It is nice to see what's up with everyone.
I have to set a time limit though or I can get sucked into cyber space and use up all my workout time. LOL


May God you always a sunbeam to warm you... a moonbeam to charm you...& a sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you :)

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