how do YOU modify PUB?


I'm doing a PUB/PLB rotation, and I'm looking for suggestions on how to modify PUB (to make it more effective by mixing things up, and toe make it more challenging as well).

My standard modifications are to change weights between the flyes and presses (I use 12, 15, 17.5 for flyes and 15, 20, 25 for presses, and do both on a 2 riser incline), to substitute lying triceps extensions on a 2-riser decline for kickbacks (to use heavier weights), omitting the front delt raises (I believe that anterior delts are worked well enough with chest work) and doing overhead presses instead, doing all shouler work seated on a stability ball, and using an Oof ball (or more recently, a Smartbell) as resistance in the ab work instead of the stability ball. I also take longer breaks between body parts to clean up my area, and to do some more dynamic stretches and recover a bit more.

Today, I modified by doing the bench presses before the flyes (and went up 2.5# in each set of presses), doing overhead presses before rear and lateral flyes, doing several of the sets of biceps as a 1-up, 1-squeeze, 2-down count (which made subsequent sets tougher because it really seemed to tax the biceps more than usual). I also did an unplanned modification of using 12# for all my sets of lying tricep extensions (because my cat Scooter was using my 10# weights as a napping place, and after using the 12's on the first and second set, my triceps didn't feel like doing 15# on the third set!). On the last set of triceps, I did the extensions first, and followed with kickbacks (just to mix things up).

Anyone else do something different from what Cathe does?
I mix it up with PUB all of the time. Sometimes I just do all the exercises as heavy as I can and slow down rep speeds. When doing the back section I usually have my barbell loaded to 40# or 45# and do my rows with the bar. I get a lot of compression in my upper back and neck doing them with the dumbells and consequently prefer the bar. I also tend to start the pullovers with a 20# dumbell and use that for the first 2 rounds and use 25# for the top and work my way down with the 20's. Twelve # pullovers don't challenge the lats for me. Sometimes I substitute lying tricep extension with the bar for seated extensions. When doing the shoulder section I'm switching weights left, right and centre. I have to lighten up for front raises, that darned compression again!!

I like your idea of using an incline for PUB chest work and will incorporate that into it. Thanks.:) That's funny that Scooter's nap inspired a new modification.

On another note you must be close to your Quebec conference. Hopefully you'll have some down time to explore the old streets and puruse the art and wares available. We often travelled to Quebec City when I was growing up, it's a wonderful destination, scenic, historic and eclectic. Oh, and the food's pretty terrific too!!!

Take Care
I seem to be one of the few, if not the only, person on this site that isn't overly fond of the pyramids. I think they are easier than her other weight WOs. Many times, I use a a heavy weight for the 1st two sets, followed by my max weight, & back down to the next heaviest. I guess that kind of defeats the purpose of pyramids, but the truth is, I really never got DOMS with these. But whatever new ideas you guys have, I'm all ears as I'd like to re-energize this WO for myself.

Oh yeah I do something different, but you probably won't want to follow me. I'm all about doing as little as possible and still staying strong.

The pyramids are my current fave and here's how I do them: I use the pyramid up premix so it's only 3 sets. The first set I use a moderate weight and the next 2 I go as heavy as I can, slowing the pace from Cathe's.

Also, I do upper body one day and lower body another day.

It's a quickie but I do have popeye muscles from it so I'm happy! I also run.

I guess I mostly use this tape for companionship because I like her choice of exercises, but do my own thing with it.

:) bella
I do different exercise's than cathe-like overhead press and only do 2 exercise for shoulder instead of 3.I do a heavy wt I can do 12 at in the beg. and stay with that way all the way thru-by the time I 'm suppose to be going back up the pyramid I'm still going down in reps 2-4 where she is doing 10 and 12.It also allows for rest.It really fries my muscles this way.But can't do pub for to long as I get burned out from lifting so heavy this way.
Marla - the only thing that pops into my head is to use a stability ball for the chest excercises so you work your core at the same time.

I agree that the pullovers seem easy, but I love that feeling of stretching that muscle over my head and than I really really focus on using my lats to pull it back in..........

Triceps - instead of doing tricep overhead extensions - do tricep dips with a barbell in your lap and increase the weight on that - i bet you would feel that one! IMHO
Twelve # pullovers don't challenge the lats
>for me.

I don't think they challenge ANYONE's lats! I'm actually a bit stymied by Cathe's choice of weights on chest vs. back. She goes way light on back, IMO (which is a larger muscle group than chest). 12# for pulloves means each side of the back is only lifting 6#! I do the pullovers with 22.5, 27.5 and 32.5 (just went up 2.5# in each, using Platemates), and even then, the first set seems a bit light (I recall doing these with 35# and 40# when I was a grad student using the campus gym).

I like the idea of going to a barbell for rows. I was thinking of doing 1-arm versions (with support) because I can go heavier that way than with unsupported rows, but don't want to take the time to do each side separately.
>On another note you must be close to your Quebec conference.
>Hopefully you'll have some down time to explore the old
>streets and puruse the art and wares available. We often
>travelled to Quebec City when I was growing up, it's a
>wonderful destination, scenic, historic and eclectic. Oh, and
>the food's pretty terrific too!!!

Thanks for remembering!
Less than a week to go (Next Tuesday!).
I'm probably going to spend more time away from the conference (except for my own workshop, of course) than actually at the conference. I've made my schedule of activities, and I'm going to several tours (one of some coast, the other a city tour), have signed up for a theater workshop that focuses on traditional Canadian characters (like the loup-garou: werewolf!) and I want to go on a 90-minute walking "Ghost tour": costumed guides lead you through the city, talking about all the murders and gory stuff that happened! I also have a 1/2 day set aside for a veggie restaurant and a nearby bookstore/CD store (a branch of my Canadian supplier for French-language books and CD's). And Saturday, I have to catch the bus from Quebec city at 6:30 a.m. (and me, NOT a morning person!) to get to the Montreal airport on time.

Nope, I don't think I'll be attending many conference presentations!
>I guess I mostly use this tape for companionship because I
>like her choice of exercises, but do my own thing with it.

I think I use it that way, too, most of the time. I kind of do somewhat of my own thing (and back chapter as necessary), while Cathe and crew keep me company. And they blissfully go on doing something while I clean up and stretch and take a recovery period, then I back chapter so we're back in the same general spot.
Kathryn, I do something similar to yours. I also use different weights for flyes and presses. I do the presses with a barbell so I could go 55/60/65 and I use my homemade platemates (1.25-lb. plates glued on a pot magnet) for flyes so I can do 15/17.5/20.

I've never done PUB chest work on an incline, and now that you mention it, I want to try it for variety. Cathe's chest work is mostly on a flat bench.

For back, I do the pullovers (although I wish there were another way to work it because pullovers also work the chest and I even feel it in my triceps) and use 20/25/30. I use a 20-lb. db and wrap a 5-lb. ankle weight to make it 25, then wrap the other pair to make it 30. My hands are small and using the actual 25- and 30-pounders seems dangerous to me. For variety, I do bb rows. This way I can also go heavier.

I take longer rests between sets when doing this. I also make sure to work shoulders/tri/bi in another session. I usually do these 3 body parts the way Cathe does it, except that I use heavier weights for lateral raises and posterior delt work than for front raises. Sometimes I also use a bb for curls instead of db's.

Thanks for the good ideas ladies. The only real modifications I have made is when I am short on time I do the up only with the heaviest weight I can and then just do the pyramid in reps not weight.

Pinky-great idea for making 25/30 lb DB. I have been thinking I need to buy some but I will try your method. I have a shorter barbell that I made into 25/30 lb DB, but the 10 lb plates I have are so big they bang my hip when doing 1 arm rows. Your idea may just be the ticket for me. Thanks again!

Have fun,

Sounds like a busy and well rounded tour. They have a ghost tour here in Kingston also, it's interesting to hear about the city's underbelly and dark side. I was fascinated with the fact that in the last city I lived in, the last public hanging was delayed so that the nearby factory workers could come and watch it while on their lunch break.

It sounds like your conference will be a nice working break. It's great that you speak's my Mom's first language and I don't know why this is but the French are always much more willing to speak bad English than the English are willing to speak bad French...:) Hope the heat and humidity come down a few notches!! Bon Voyage...please post some details after the fact.

Take Care
I use my homemade
>platemates (1.25-lb. plates glued on a pot magnet) for flyes
>so I can do 15/17.5/20.
Homemade platemates? What a great idea!

As for chest work, I usually always make sure to include incline work, and vary the incline, but often use a 2-riser incline. My chest can slip into boniness if I don't watch it, and incline work fills in some "fake cleavage' quite nicely!

Strangely enough, I don't feel the pullovers much in my triceps when I do lower reps and heavier weights, like in PUB, but there is a workout called "Ripped" that has lower weight and higher reps, and my triceps are SCREAMING about 1/2 way through the pullovers.

I find that I can concentrate on feeling the pullovers more in my back if I almost feel like I'm pushing my shoulder blades into the bench when lifting the weight up.

As for the heavy weights, I DON'T, because I CAN'T use the grip position Cathe does, but rather hold the stem of the bell. My hands are too small, and fingers too puny! to hold a any dumbbell over about 10# in the way Cathe does for the pullovers and tricep extensions. If I tried, I'm afraid I'd drop it (and dropping a dumbbell on my head doesn't sound like fun!).
(1.25-lb. plates glued on a pot magnet)

By the way, what is a "pot magnet"? ( Does it attract illegal substances? :eek: )
:7 Nothing illegal. It's a round magnet that can hold up to 5 lbs. I got it from Home Depot. These have worked pretty well for me these last two years. I've had to sand (gently) some of the ends of my hex db's to make them stick really well. These hex db's have a layer of silver paint, and this layer is sometimes thicker on one end than the other. So the ends with the thicker layer of paint have gotten a sanding. Four of these homemade platemates cost me about $20 total, including the glue. I used a product called Future Glue. It's very similar in smell and consistency to Super Glue.

Okay, I just had a thought. I think it's called a pot magnet because this big round magnet is encased in metal, which looks like a shallow bowl with a flat bottom. It's a pot holding a magnet.


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