I'm doing a PUB/PLB rotation, and I'm looking for suggestions on how to modify PUB (to make it more effective by mixing things up, and toe make it more challenging as well).
My standard modifications are to change weights between the flyes and presses (I use 12, 15, 17.5 for flyes and 15, 20, 25 for presses, and do both on a 2 riser incline), to substitute lying triceps extensions on a 2-riser decline for kickbacks (to use heavier weights), omitting the front delt raises (I believe that anterior delts are worked well enough with chest work) and doing overhead presses instead, doing all shouler work seated on a stability ball, and using an Oof ball (or more recently, a Smartbell) as resistance in the ab work instead of the stability ball. I also take longer breaks between body parts to clean up my area, and to do some more dynamic stretches and recover a bit more.
Today, I modified by doing the bench presses before the flyes (and went up 2.5# in each set of presses), doing overhead presses before rear and lateral flyes, doing several of the sets of biceps as a 1-up, 1-squeeze, 2-down count (which made subsequent sets tougher because it really seemed to tax the biceps more than usual). I also did an unplanned modification of using 12# for all my sets of lying tricep extensions (because my cat Scooter was using my 10# weights as a napping place, and after using the 12's on the first and second set, my triceps didn't feel like doing 15# on the third set!). On the last set of triceps, I did the extensions first, and followed with kickbacks (just to mix things up).
Anyone else do something different from what Cathe does?
My standard modifications are to change weights between the flyes and presses (I use 12, 15, 17.5 for flyes and 15, 20, 25 for presses, and do both on a 2 riser incline), to substitute lying triceps extensions on a 2-riser decline for kickbacks (to use heavier weights), omitting the front delt raises (I believe that anterior delts are worked well enough with chest work) and doing overhead presses instead, doing all shouler work seated on a stability ball, and using an Oof ball (or more recently, a Smartbell) as resistance in the ab work instead of the stability ball. I also take longer breaks between body parts to clean up my area, and to do some more dynamic stretches and recover a bit more.
Today, I modified by doing the bench presses before the flyes (and went up 2.5# in each set of presses), doing overhead presses before rear and lateral flyes, doing several of the sets of biceps as a 1-up, 1-squeeze, 2-down count (which made subsequent sets tougher because it really seemed to tax the biceps more than usual). I also did an unplanned modification of using 12# for all my sets of lying tricep extensions (because my cat Scooter was using my 10# weights as a napping place, and after using the 12's on the first and second set, my triceps didn't feel like doing 15# on the third set!). On the last set of triceps, I did the extensions first, and followed with kickbacks (just to mix things up).
Anyone else do something different from what Cathe does?