How do you modify Cathe workouts?


This morning I did 30/30 but modified it to actually be 40/20 intervals instead. (Nice to have the counter there.)

Then I did PUB chest 2x. The second time I did it on an incline. For each group, the flat and incline, I had to do 2 sets of 8 barbell presses instead of a set of presses and flys since I don't have heavy enough dumbbells for that third set.

And it got me thinking, I often modify my Cathe workouts since I do them so often. I can't be the only one, and I would like to hear how others modify things. Whatever occurs to you. Another example for me, whenever Cathe does a step touch or side up corner to corner in stepping, I do a straight leg extension and squeeze the glutes. It is totally automatic at this point. Step touch means straight leg back.

Any new ideas for me? Thanks!

Haha, you modify to make it harder, I modify to make it easier so I can finish the whole workout! I hope that someday I can be more like you!

My modifications are what you'd expect - going low impact from high impact, decreasing reps.
If I can't do a particular move or sequence of moves I usually think this is something I need to work on. I tend not to change the move, rather do every other one, or do that same move at a lower height or intensity. Over time, it's easier to see if I'm making progress, measuring against the original "Cathe Standard"....;)

I also don't stop the video or rewind in cardio for the same reason. (I do however practice ones I haven't done for a while on the floor the day before)

I can't remember when I started doing it that way, but it has worked wonders.

For Strength workouts, I followed Bobbi-b's advise and take that extra 1/2 minute or so if needed to rest, get the weight right, set up, and do the exercises. earlier last year some strength workouts were marathons, not so anymore. Here again I don't change the moves, just try to stay true to form, speed, depth & intensity. Just because it helps me keep track of progress.

Then I'm not quite up to that level!.....:D

Mine's not a huge modification but during the strength workouts, I alternate the arm/leg that I start with; ie. for one arm rows I'll start with the left side first one workout then the next time start with the right arm first.
Well, I'll repost what I wrote in the check-in I lurk in:

Okay folks, I really feel the need to brag about this morning's workout (it lessens the obnoxiousness of bragging if you tell people you're going to do it first, right?) I did STS Total Body and modified the pure hell outa it. I did it as a very slow heavy workout, with reps in the 10-12 range for the first set of each tri set and reps in the 4-8 range in the second set. I went really heavy (for me, anyway). I went as long as Cathe did for each set, but because they were so slow, I did much less reps. I broke out my Versa Gripps too and they really helped, although it takes me longer to pick up the dumbbells and this workout moves so quickly that's an issue. Here are some of the weights I used:

All deadlifts: 95lb barbell
All lunges: 30lb dumbbells
Squats: only 30lb dumbbells (didn't want to change the barbell weights because the workout moves so fast, so I just went slow and deep - still too light, but the deadlifts made up for them)
Underhand rows: 95lb barbell
One arm rows: 45lb dumbbell
Overhead presses: 25lb dumbbells
Tricep dips: 30lb dumbbell in lap
Bench press: 40lb dumbbells
Chest flyes: 30lb dumbbells
Bicep curls: 25lb dumbbells
Wide angle upright rows: 20lb dumbbells
Straight arm lateral raises: 10lbs (but a SLOW 10lbs!)

I also did my own ab workout. I used my stability ball and a 10lb dumbbell for wood choppers and then did roll ups, side bends with a 40lb KB, this weird leg raise thing using my bench (amazing exercise for the lower abs and hip flexors that I don't really know how to describe) and instead of supermen I did this sort of tricep push up off the stability ball, raising my legs behind me - really hits the lower back. Of course, going slow and heavy you tend to really work the living hell out of your core anyway, so I probably could have skipped the whole thing, but I actually really like ab work, when it's the exercises I like to do. I guess I like it because I can really feel the muscles being targeted and I'm good at isolating them and the stability ball increases your range of motion so you feel it even more.

After this workout, I felt energized and raring to go. I always seem to be more interested in intense workouts of all types first thing in the morning. Later I always want the more mellow options.

Now, three hours later, my whole back is really feeling this, all the way from my bum to my traps.

I definitely think I respond better to slow and heavy with less reps than fast and light with more reps. I think STS TB is a workout that you can really follow but modify in so very many ways (not even including the pre-mixes) that it is my favourite workout that she's ever put out. I like Slow and Heavy almost as much, but I prefer full body to splits and this is less repetitive.
Well, I'll repost what I wrote in the check-in I lurk in:

Wow you are twice as strong as I am in this endurance workout! I can do most those in a strength workout, but, in this fast paced one I cut the weight numbers in half and use the weights Cathe & her crew uses.

For strength workouts how much heavier do you go? I can't imagine going to heavier in my strength workouts than you do for your endurance workout. Good job--you are one strong person!
Wow you are twice as strong as I am in this endurance workout! I can do most those in a strength workout, but, in this fast paced one I cut the weight numbers in half and use the weights Cathe & her crew uses.

For strength workouts how much heavier do you go? I can't imagine going to heavier in my strength workouts than you do for your endurance workout. Good job--you are one strong person!

Well, keep in mind that I did the workout as a strength workout, not endurance, and had much lower reps than Cathe intended. When I do the workout as Cathe intended with 16/12 reps, my weights are usually about this level:

  • All deadlifts: 75lb barbell
  • All lunges: 20lb dumbbells
  • Squats: 75lb barbell
  • Underhand rows: 75lb barbell
  • One arm rows: 35lb dumbbell
  • Overhead presses: 20lb dumbbells
  • Tricep dips: unweighted
  • Bench press: 35lb dumbbells
  • Chest flyes: 30lb dumbbells
  • Bicep curls: 20lb dumbbells
  • Wide angle upright rows: 15lb dumbbells
  • Straight arm lateral raises: 10lbs
I often modify cardio moves to lower impact, using a big ROM and staying low. There are too many examples to post them all (but there is an old thread of mine somewhere where I detailed modifications for many of the moves in Cardio Core Circuit), but as an example, I never do tuck jumps (they are not friendly to my body or doable) so instead I'll do low plyo jacks (jump out with not much 'air' but go low into the squat, same when bringing feet together). Another low-impact move I like is heel digs: sinking low into them to make them like a 1--legged squat.

I also modify cardio for moves that I don't like, such as many 180-degree or 360-degree turns. Instead of a ricochet (I hate these, and never do them), I do this move (start with right leg near step): step right foot up, step left foot up, tap right foot on opposite side of step, hop to put right foot back on step while allowing left foot to come off step, step left then right foot down to starting position, do a jack. Easier to see/do than to talk through it! It ends up being an 8-count move, and you can put more oomph into it by sinking down or putting some air into the moves.

I modify strength workouts to substitute for safer moves : for example, barbell upright rows are done as dumbell upright rows with hands held wide.

I also modify strength workouts for better balance. For example, I find the chest and front shoulders overworked vs. the back in many of Cathe's earlier weight workouts, so I will often omit some chest work, omit or substitute for anterior delt moves, and add in back and/or rear delt moves.

I suppose it could be consdered modifying to take longer breaks between sets, as I do whenever I need to (letting Cathe and the crew move along and back-chaptering when I'm ready to join them. That's why I LOVE good chaptering!).

I also modify or change things up just for the fun of it, if I get bored with a move, just want to do something different, or want to use some of the equipment I have (ie: doing push-ups or planks or mountain climbers with holding onto the platform side of a BOsu, as I did in my CCC mods).

I used to think that if I didn't do the workout as the instructor showed it, I was 'cheating' or doing something wrong. I learned years ago that was a silly idea, and that *I* am my best personal trainer who knows what works best for me. It has actually made some workouts that I otherwise wouldn't use (like Intensity) doable and fun.
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