How do you measure success?


Hi all,

I am starting the new year with some new goals & some old ones, more cardio fitness, endurance, more core strength, better balance, and flexibility.(still would like to lose a little more, like ten lbs.)

Other than the bathroom scale & tape measure, do you do any type of fitness tests to see if your stronger, more agile, quicker, or have more stamina?
I know I've improved on some things in the last three months, but don't really have a way right now to measure that, except sometimes I use heavier weights & exercise more during the week. Any help appreciated!

I consider it a personal litmus test of strength that I still cannot do 1 SINGLE PULL UP! I can do 105lb barbell rows and deadlifts; 40lb pullovers and 40lb one arm rows, but can't do a single pullover. Kills me. I have no idea what it would take to do one - steroids? If I ever do one, I will have a big party and give out exercise bands as party favours, I swear.
I consider it a personal litmus test of strength that I still cannot do 1 SINGLE PULL UP! I can do 105lb barbell rows and deadlifts; 40lb pullovers and 40lb one arm rows, but can't do a single pullover. Kills me. I have no idea what it would take to do one - steroids? If I ever do one, I will have a big party and give out exercise bands as party favours, I swear.

too funny, I don't feel too bad now about my girlie pushups:(
...and when we use the stretchy in LIC..."we're cooked":p

Just looking at the test now, Ellesan

too funny, I don't feel too bad now about my girlie pushups:(
...and when we use the stretchy in LIC..."we're cooked":p

Just looking at the test now, Ellesan


For the record, I do 242 push ups in one session - on my toes. Still, no pull ups...
I feel that scales are evil. The way I measure success is by how I feel. Am I sleeping better? Do I have more energy? How does my skin look (because when I eat clean my face really clears up)? Can I beat my kids in a game of tag? Am I having fun?
I consider it a personal litmus test of strength that I still cannot do 1 SINGLE PULL UP! I can do 105lb barbell rows and deadlifts; 40lb pullovers and 40lb one arm rows, but can't do a single pullover. Kills me. I have no idea what it would take to do one - steroids? If I ever do one, I will have a big party and give out exercise bands as party favours, I swear.

So husband snaps off 20 with his legs held straight out in front of him and then will hold the last one just to aggravate me further.
For the record, I do 242 push ups in one session - on my toes. Still, no pull ups...

Holy smokes!:eek:

I'm guessin' that isn't a typo


hey janie1234
I still watch the scale, it goes up and down still, generally still down more than up, thank goodness, it's just part of my daily routine, I like like your way!:D
Levis anyone?

The jeans test! Just bought two new pairs - I am 46 and I am in smaller size than in highschool. And one pair is skinny jeans. Happy dance.


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