How do you make a decision on flooring that is suitable for aerobics and kickboxing?


I read many of the previous posts on flooring, and I'm wondering how you all decided.

My workout space is hardwood over cement, and I want to add flooring that will:

-- cushion my knees for aerobics and step

-- be suitable for kickboxing (ie. allow for smoothe turns of the feet)

I read in one of Cathe's posts that a floor can be too cushioned.

So, have any of you made choices that both cushion your knees and allow for smoothe kickboxing moves.

I'll be most grateful for your answers -- and for any website addresses!
I can't help you in terms of how to properly cushion a cement floor, but I can tell you that I've always been happy working out on carpet. Hardwood flooring would be ideal in my w/o room (which doubles as an office/spare bedroom), but I've always had carpet there. Low-pile carpet (kinda like the indoor/outdoor stuff) was what I was used to in my old apts, but our new house has thicker, plusher carpet and I was very worried about trying to do KPC on it at first--however, I haven't had any problems with it. I just paid very close attention to my footing the first few times, and now I don't think about it at all. The thicker carpet also eliminates the need for an exercise mat (I just laya towel down for allergy purposes in case I haven't vacuumed in a while).

I think a lot of people on this board use "puzzle mat" pieces for extra cushioning over their floors, but I had a hard time finding affordable ones in my area.

I think in your case, you need to be careful about providing yourself with enough cusioning since you are exercising on top of cement - good luck!

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