How Do You Like the Band?


What do you all think of the band used in the hardcore series? Does it really work you hard? Is it comfortable to use? Do you like the exercises done with it in general??
I used the band for the triceps work in the Gym Style workout and my arms were quivering. It didn't feel that tough at first but that's because I didn't have enough tension on the band. Once I readjusted it I really felt the difference. Cathe said that quivering muscles are normal when doing resistance band work. BTW, I found that it's more comfortable to use weight lifting gloves when using the bands, otherwise my hands hurt.

Yes, I like it!
I like using bands as it forces you to keep the muscle engaged, but hand position is very important for comfort & safety. I had to rewind the section in Muscle Max where Cathe shows how to wrap the band around the hands for lateral raises. Her verbal instructions didn't click with me & it was different than I've done in classes. So there might be a learning curve for some.

Dumbbells could have been substituted in every case that Cathe used a band in Muscle Max.

Am I the first to post a band accident? Last night I did High Step Challenge (which was, of course, excellent.) and when it came time for the t-bar rows, the one where you sit on the floor and put the band under your toes (word of caution here: point your toes during this whole set!!!) and then pull your arms out to the side, the band slipped out from over my feet and hit me right smack in the face. It hurt like hell but I couldn't stop laughing. Remember junior high, when the boys would shoot those nasty elastic bands and you'd get the momentary sting......well this doesn't compare. Luckly there is no lasting mark this morning. That would be a hard one to explain!
Oh my god... I am so sorry but I burst out laughing at your post! This is hilarious and I can totally see it happening to me. Glad you are ok and thanks for the tip on pointing you toes.

Better luck next time. Have fun with the new workouts.

I used the band in GS-BSB, and the band really gave me a nice tingling burn in the shoulders. They are definitely working them quite nicely! She doesn't use them for biceps (i think she should have), but she does use them for back.
All in all, the band is the way to go.

I used the band for Stretch Max tonight and I loved it.

I wonder where we can purchase more -- I want the pink bands!

Eventually I am sure the bands will have to be replaced.

BTW, "Core Max" on the Stability Ball and "Stretch Max" with the bands are awesome!

I was not sure how I would feel about "Stretch Max" -- but it will definintely be used at least 3 times per week.
Hi, I don't know if there are TJ Max stores near either of you, but I just purchased them there, a set of 3 bands cost $9.99 I also bought a fitness tube with handles (medium strenght) for $5.99 there.


I just used the band for the first time tonight. I did High Step Challenge which is excellent!! I really loved the band. I don't really like tubing, but the band is different. I really felt it deep in my muscles. I really enjoyed doing leg presses with it more than weights. I look forward to using it again.

The use of the bands is something I like best about Hardcore. I haven't use them before. In fact from reading here, I went to TJ Maxx and got the 3 for $9.99!!! I am thinking I might need a stronger band for the step ups in Gym Style Legs. I do believe if you do the correct form you really work the muscle well.

Fembot...sorry about your accident...:('ll make the rest of us more careful....:)...Carole
HI, I don't know if you use thor-lo socks ( they are the best for any type of workout in my opinion) but TJ Max sometimes carries them too. They are either 4 or 5 dollars there, the regular stores sell them for 9 or 10. I buy the aerobics socks for myself & for my duaghter the running socks & the aerobics socks. Karen:7
I used the band today for High Step Challenge (which I really enjoyed). I really felt the burn using the bands. As the day goes on my shoulders/triceps feel really tired almost a little shakey (in a good way). I am wondering what they will feel like tomorrow.

To sum it up. I'm surprised how much I enjoyed using the bands in this workout and in Stretch Max too.

Tracy: My shoulders and tris felt like that yesterday after I did High Step Challenge. Today I'm SORE. In a good way. :)
I'm a band convert. What else can I say. It gave me a good workout and was not uncomfortaable for me to use. Surprise surprise :eek: .

OMG! The band rocks! I used it for Muscle Max and the next day my body was hosed! I can handle pretty heavy weights, so I thought, "These bands are a pretty shade of green, but probably are for wusses."


I love the bands -- my only fear is tearing it -- I hope we can purchase more in the future!

They are now an indispensible part of my workout life -- and I've used them for such a brief period of time......

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