How Do You Learn The Choreography?


First of all, let me explain how choreographically-challenged I am....the step moves on the WARM UP of Drill Max are too complicated for me. I am a big guy and while Cathe and crew are nimbly light-footiong around their steps, I am clumsily banging around on mine in a poor approximation of their moves.

What is the best way to learn this stuff? I still get a good cardio workout by jumping around the step in my own manner, but I would like to learn the actual moves, and maybe even eventually move on to something like Body Max 3. At the moment, even considering such a workout for me is a complete no-no because of the choreography.

Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated....


Does your dvd player have a slower speed? For some moves it helps to slow it down to get the feel of the movement down and then once you do you can practice at higher speed. Also what step height are you using? Sometimes it's easier to learn the moves on just the step with no risers. Take one segment at a time and just practice, rewind, and practice. Basic Step is a good one for learning the moves that Cathe builds on in her step workouts. BTW, there isn't a Body Max 3 yet ;)

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]
Hello MuscleGuy,

You could also buy some beginner step workouts by Gin Miller or Cathe's beginner workouts (I don't have it so I can't say if they are any good). When I started I had 2 workouts by Gin Miller (can't remember the name but you could find them on some on line shops in the UK) and practice with them. They are less of a workout cardio wise, but they do help you to learn step aerobics.

I think Cathe's orginal IMAX DVD which has MIC and Rhythmic Step workouts are better than IMAX2 & IMAX3 which are more complicated. I would reccommend this as your next purchase.

I also think that some people are more choreographically challenged than others, but if you persevere you will get there.

I rewind, redo, rewind, redo over and over until I get it. I lose effectiveness, but it's a challenge to get the footwork down so I can really work out hard. Also I keep my step low at first.
I am also choreography challenged. I have been working on the advice to use a small mat or rug instead of the step, stand beside your TV instead of in front of it so you are 'facing' the same way as Cathe, and keep the remote in your hand....Still working on it.

I have two left feet for sure so I never purchased Cathe's tapes/dvd's with step patterns. Then for some reason I got Step Heat and mastered the first routine (it's relatively easy). After that I tried a number of her other tapes and stumbled through them. After enough practice and different tapes, I "got" it. There is a pattern that she follows usually, even with the different step routines, in the way that she turns. Hard to describe, but once you get it, the new routines are easier to learn. (Maybe someone else can better describe this.) I now have all her step tapes. I have the most fun with Body Max 2. I think that is relatively easy to learn and the music is great. The XTrain Express tapes are fun too.

Good luck, and hang in there. Don't give up! It's worth it!

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