How do you know when to move your step up? and other questions.

I can get through the basic step portions fairly easily now. I sweat and my heart rate is in the target range the whole time, but I have days when I can go through a 30 min cardio routine 2x in a day and a 40 min walk. Should I be thinking about adding risers under my step? Or, am I just anxious to be in shape? I have noticed that my resting heart rate has dropped 4 bpm since I started (ok, Im a freak, I wear my heart rate monitor almost all the time) a few weeks ago, and during cool down and stretching, my heart rate is dropping back to normal much quicker than it used to. Are these good signs? I havent lost any weight, but I figured out my problem there. I drank 3 gallons of whole milk last week, hmm can you say "alot of fat"? So whatdaya think? Should I "step it up"? (sorry for the bad pun) Also, how can I motivate myself to do the muscle building portions? I can tell you I have never ever ever in my life done one solitary correct push up, I am sooo wimpy. I am going for the beginner routines, but I havent been able to get all of the videos yet. I honestly could just work my abs and do cardio every day and be happy, but will I slim down as quick as if I trade some of my cardio for weights?
I think at this point, if you have the choreography down and your heart rate returns to normal more quickly (and yes, that is a very good sign of improved cardiovascular fitness), then by all means try a higher step. You don't have to commit yourself to doing an entire routine on the higher step; just try the warm-up and a few minutes into it and see how you go. You can always lower it if you need to. You will indeed feel a difference.

As far as motivation for muscle work, well: just think of how much fun Cathe's cardio is, and contemplate that there are muscle workouts that are at least as much fun. And you need muscle mass and strength as much as you need low body fat stores and cardiovascular fitness.


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