How do you know if your core is weak


When I work out my low back hurts I do have mirrors so I know my form is correct My question is how do you know if your core needs strengthening and how do you stregthen it I usually only do just 1-2 a week looks like in my rotation on am finishing week 2 Tuesday with Wednesday being my off day and then I start week 3 Thursday looks like 3 ab workouts.

The last rotation I did had Yoga in it and my low back always hurt. Its not that its painful hurt its like I could just keep stretching it too make it feel better does that make sense?

Thanks guys any input here would help I do not have back issues it is all associated with working out because when I took time off from working out it never hurt so what is going on?

"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Hi Beth,

What are you doing for your core/abs workout? I know that doing Core Max or some other core work twice a week has really helped me with the same low back problems. If I'm regular about working my core, then my low back doesn't bother me as much.

I've also found that deadlifts with too much weight also bother my low back afterwards, so I don't lift as heavy as I probably could.

Working on opening up my hips also seems to help a bit. Have you tried focusing your yoga on doing hip openers?

Hope this helps!

I just do whatever is in my rotation for ab work from Cathe's collection. I tried Rainbeau mars Dusk/Dawn, Denise Austin yoga Buns, Shiva abs (I disliked this one very much), Kelly McGee Power Yoga, and Kathy Tummy trimmers (on the Ball) and Janis Saffell Dynamic stretch I consider myself very flexible I can not do all the moves but I can just about. Maybe the deadlifts I have been upping my weight plus in the S&H she has that 10 degree tilt maybe that. I just thought maybe my abs needed strengthening you always hear if your core isn't strong.


"Double Knot your laces and let's move on"
-Cathe Friedrich
Hi Beth,

Hmm . . . sounds like it could be the heavier weights with the deadlifts from S&H. Whenever I'm using S&H in a rotation, my low back seems to act up.

Maybe some others will chime in with advice!
Do you do any plank holds? I have noticed that my core is noticeably stronger since I've been doing these.

Strong abs (the "six pack") do not necessarily mean your core is strong (transverse abdominus).

The stiff-legged deadlifts also used to bother my lower back if I went too heavy, but now I can use 65# with no problems.
>Do you do any plank holds? I have noticed that my core is
>noticeably stronger since I've been doing these.

Yes I actually love doing the plank work
>Strong abs (the "six pack") do not necessarily mean your core
>is strong (transverse abdominus).

Do not have no six pack and do not think I ever will again
>The stiff-legged deadlifts also used to bother my lower back
>if I went too heavy, but now I can use 65# with no problems.

And why do you think that is because of the plank work maybe I should do more plank work I think my reverse are my issue I have a hard time brining my bottom half up


"You didn't pause your dvd and go make popcorn did ya"
-Cathe Friedrich
Just a thought: Your lower back pain could be symptomatic of a medical issue. For example, people with spinal stenosis may have back pain with many exercises, as can people with compressed spinal discs (very common).
the more pushups i can do the stronger my core is. a friend of mine at work does 200+ pounds chest press on weight machine at a gym but does not do push ups so he has trouble doing planks


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