how do you know how many


carbs,proteins and fats to eat per day.a I currently am at 82 grams of protein,121carbs,42grams fat. I dont know if that ratio is cgood to follow or not. I am new to this as far as determining for the entire day what they should be.oh, so far calories are at 1,152 and I still have another 400 I can eat for the day.

C/P/F ratios are a personal thing but the most common I think are 50/30/20 or 40/30/30. I am using FitDay to track this currently and am shooting for 50/30/20. You have to decide what works best for you depending upon your goals and how you feel.

I guess I will learn this by trial and error. I just started using 2 days ago and it keeps track of everything for me. I really like using it. it makes me more aware of everything I am eating and how much sugar,carbs etc... that is in the food. I think I will start with 50/30/30 also as I want to lose wt and get leaner. thanks.
IMO, good ranges are 50-70% carbs (worldwide studies have shown that the healthiest populations get a minimum of 50% of their daily calories from carbs--from whole foods, more than 70% of calories from carbs, however, doesn't allow enough fat or protein), 20-30% fats (though 10% is recommended by some to prevent/reverse some chronic diseases), 15-25% protein.

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