How do you do the Step "segments"? one after the other?...


I'm NEW to Cathe, and very choreo-challenged. But I've trained with weights, for years. Thanks to member tips here, I have learned to use the rewind button, a lot when trying to grasp the Step movements, lol, and it's working! I have kept motivated, and really do LOVE doing her step routines (and I HATE cardio!) But here's the deal, I have been doing Step Heat, section 1, now for about 2 weeks, I guess. And I'm ONLY using one riser (6"). And I also make most of the moves low impact. Yet, despite years of weight training, this ONE step segment does make me sweat! I'm not totally winded, as I can breathe and talk throughout the routine. But, OMG! lol I can't imagine going straight away into segment 2.

So, do you all go from one Step segment, right away into the next? without a break, except for the exertion check? or do you all rest 10+ minutes, and then go to section 2? Or do you all just usually do ONE segment per day?

I keep reading all the threads here saying how easy Step Heat is (it was rec'd to me to begin with this one), and IF this is "easy", I guess I'll never get to do her other Step tapes. :+ A few times, I did do Step Heat sec 1, and then I did Basic Step sect 1, right after the other (Basic Step seemed too easy, to do alone). But aside from that, I usually only do Step Heat sect 1, period. And I can't even imagine tring it with 2 risers, let alone doing the ENTIRE Step Heat video from beginning to end. I tried today to attempt to learn section 2. That was a joke, actually. It took about 8 times of rewinding, for me to get through the first combination of section 1. lol All the jumping just seems impossible for me. So, in order to not just give up, I did try to make them low impact. But as soon as I saw the next combination, I just gave up.

I am feeling out of shape, eventhough years of weight training makes me LOOK "in shape". :-(
RE: How do you do the Step

Welcome to the wonderful world of Specificity of Training. Although weight training is excellent for muscle strength, endurance and mass development, it is not nearly so good for cardiovascular development. For that, you need step - and hi/lo - and kickbox - and running - and swimming - and all other modes that have you moving constantly and rhythmically incorporating the large lower body muscles yadda yadda yadda.

You're in a phase of building cardiovascular endurance, and if you keep at it you WILL be able to go longer and longer through each step workout. No breaks except for the exertion check, and certainly no 10-minute breaks. Keep at it, and vary your cardio with Cathe step workouts, Cathe hi/lo workouts, Cathe kickbox workouts too to keep the body surprised and challenged.

If impact is an issue for you, consider getting "Low Max" from the most recent Hard Core series. It's only on DVD; I don't know if you have only a vid player. But it's gotten great reviews here.

RE: How do you do the Step

Being "advanced" in one type of training definitely doesn't translate to being advanced in another. And weight training doesn't do a lot for the cardiovascular system (though there are some that think that intense weight training can strengthen the CV system). But also, if you train in one type of cardio, being good in that doesn't translate to being good in another. Every time I get back into step after not doing it for a while, it's tough!

Yes, Step Heat is considered one of Cathe's easier workouts (but "Cathe's easier" doesn't mean easy: she specializes in advanced workouts). The choreo has fewer twists and turns than in later workouts (and I like it for this reason---don't like torquey moves).

There have been times when I've done part of a workout in a half-@$$ed way. That could be taking out the impact, lowering the step (even to no risers),talking a short break (while walking around an dcatching my breath) between segments, or even doing some moves on the floor, in order to get through the workout. I've never not done an entire workout that I recall (except maybe when I was first starting with exercise, and did the first two segments of Kathy Smith's Step tape? It's been a while, so I don't remember.)

To get yourself through the whole workout, you can try several things: Go to a 4" step (either for the whole workout, or after segment 1); do some of the moves on the floor; take a short break (5 minutes) while you walk around a bit--don't just stop moving--between segments (and if you do skip part of the workout, DON"T skip the cooldown and stretch). Part of your not doing the whole workout sounds like a choreo challenge. I always preview workouts before I do them, and that helps me "learn' the choreo ahead of time. If I see a move or two that looks tricky, I'll count out the moves (most moves are on an 8-count) and come up with my own verbal cues for it to help me do it.

Do you have Step Heat on video or DVD? The "Classics volume 1" DVD has Step heat, Step Jam, and Step Max. They all have similar choreography. With the DVD, you can also mix-and-match segments from each of the workouts, so you could take the segments you find easiest and come up with a longer workout than you are doing now.

I don't recall what workouts came before these three (I had "Step in Motion 3" as my first Cathe DVD), but I think a lot of us, at least us "old timers"!, made our way through Cathe's workouts, so now moves that seem tough to someone just startig with Cathe are moves that we've seen before, and it's easier to pick them up.
RE: How do you do the Step

Thanks to you both! :) Yes, I do have quite a lot of work to do to improve my cardiovascular endurance. I've shirked off the cardio part to as little time on the treadmill or cycling, as possible these past years, and I'm paying the price now. :(

I guess I should have previewed Step Heat Section 2 in its entirety, first, before posting this question. I tried it today, expecting it to be "as long as" section 1, but it was super short! :) So, after another 5 or 6 rewinds, I did finally get the combinations. Though, I didn't do them as jump-y as she did. I gave up on the cool down though. These entire 2 weeks, I've just cooled down on my own. Again, it's the choreo. It just takes me so many tries to get these moves down. By the time I've rewind, tried, rewound again, re-tried, etc...I bet I've done the entire cardio routine at least 2 times as long as the actual tape.

I do have the Classics Dvd. The first Cathe step I tried was Step In Motion 1, but for some reason, I just couldn't get into it. The music in Step Heat really keeps me moving, though.

Thanks for all the tips! I'll keep trying! :)
RE: How do you do the Step

I would definitely not call Step Heat easy. I think the first few moves in section one are fairly easy, but the intensity definitely builds toward the end. I know by the time I get to those power circles/lunges I'm breathing pretty hard.

Section 2 is actually one of my favorite Cathe step sections. The choreography is great fun & the intensity is lower than sec 1, plus it's only 12 or 13 minutes long.

I think you'll be able to work up to it in no time--sec 2 is almost like a cool down so I'm sure pretty soon you'll be able to jump right into it. :)

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