How do you clean sneaker mesh?

I was cleaning today and I saw how my DH's once beautiful white sneakers are now and icky gray. I know how to clean the rubber parts at the bottom of the shoe but I don't know how to clean the mesh at the top and I've learned its not wise to throw the sneakers into the laundry. Any advice? Toothbrush and something? TIA.
What does he use them for? If it's running, it's probably time to throw them out because if they're that dirty, they shouldn't be run in anymore.
Oh, he just got these shoes at the end of August. He's just a dirty boy (and there's just a ton of pollution and dirt on the roads he runs on). I was told not to ever submerge sneakers in water even though that's what I did when I was younger. I regularly wipe down my shoes so they never get really that dirty but my DH + taking care of things = does not compute. :)
So, he's had them for 3 months. Depending on the mileage he runs, it may be time to switch them up. Soon, in any case. 4 months is usually the max for running shoes. I don't believe throwing them in the washing machine would be good for them. I would never do that to mine, I don't care how dirty they get. But I replace mine every 3-4 months.
I guess I'm kind of funny, because my running shoes are filthy and I have no intention of cleaning them. I trail run with them as well as street run, so they are constantly picking up dirt. I will hose them off to get off most of the dirt, but hey, I think dirty running shoes are a badge of honor. :p If you ever stand in the starting gate for a half marathon or a full, you rarely see a clean shoe.

However, if you insist on getting them clean, :p I would dissolve some laundry powder with color safe bleach into some warm water and take an old toothbrush and scrub them with that. That should help a lot.

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