How do you bake a sweet potato?

I rub them with a little olive oil and bake them (without poking) at 375 for an hour. I then squeeze a little lemon juice (it enhances the flavor), apple pie spice, butter buds, and a little sugar or equal.
so many ways...

so many ways to eat these babies...

cut into fry shape and toss in bowl with a little olive oil and cinnamon and bake until soft inside, crispy outside - the sweetness comes out with the cinnamon....

cut up and toss with other veggies (i.e. cauliflower, parsnips, carrots, brussel sprouts, onions) and even cut up white potatoes and toss with a little sea salt, black pepper and olive oil and bake at 425 for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown....

Wrap in foil and put on an outdoor grill along with your chicken or steak, and cook for around 30 min or until soft and carmelized on the grill - tastes like candy! You don't need butter or anything!

heat in microwave in potato bag (specially made bag for microwaving potatoes quickly) and then top with 1-2 tbsp of peanut butter - oh my gosh, my favorite!

Also, boil them and mash them up and add them to vanilla protien shake with cinnamon and its a sweet sweet treat!
OMG, Jodelle, I may have to hug you when I see you at the RT!

I had a plain sweet potato last night and I was about halfway through it when I remembered to put PB on it.

It was DELISH!
hybrid approach

I always start my sweet potatoes in the microwave for about 3 minutes and then put them in the over for about 15 to 20 minutes. I do the same thing with white potatoes.

I poke them and put foil or a baking sheet under them.

I like to season them with cajun spices. I love the hot with the sweet.
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Melissa! Yay! I'm glad you liked it! You must be a peanut butter lover like me...I think I could put peanut butter or almond butter on almost anything. It's my favorite of all the foods.

And of course we'll hug, because I'm definately a hugger!
so many ways to eat these babies...

cut into fry shape and toss in bowl with a little olive oil and cinnamon and bake until soft inside, crispy outside - the sweetness comes out with the cinnamon....

cut up and toss with other veggies (i.e. cauliflower, parsnips, carrots, brussel sprouts, onions) and even cut up white potatoes and toss with a little sea salt, black pepper and olive oil and bake at 425 for 20-30 minutes or until golden brown....

Wrap in foil and put on an outdoor grill along with your chicken or steak, and cook for around 30 min or until soft and carmelized on the grill - tastes like candy! You don't need butter or anything!

heat in microwave in potato bag (specially made bag for microwaving potatoes quickly) and then top with 1-2 tbsp of peanut butter - oh my gosh, my favorite!

Also, boil them and mash them up and add them to vanilla protien shake with cinnamon and its a sweet sweet treat!

I like your tips especially the PB one.
Be lazy

microwave. Nothing on it. Just about 10 minutes on high. The time varies by the size of the potato. Smaller potatoes need a shorter cooking time. Poke with a fork to release the steam before you cook it. This prevents exploding potatoes. :D

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