I've had the S&H series for awhile now and I have yet to preview the videos. The only thing i noticed is that they are much longer than the PS videos. With PS:BBA and PS:CST it is easy to add cardio before or after because they are not as long. My time is very limited and I do a lot of cardio because I'm trying to lose weight. My question is how do you add cardio to S&H??? I'm planning to rotate the S&H videos from M-W, IMax Thurs, PHour Friday and Yoga on Saturday, but I can't do just the S&H videos M-W with no cardio. I'm writing my next rotations cause I finished my 4 week PS rotation already and I need to cross train or else I get bored. I just don't know what to do with S&H :-rollen. I need some suggestions. Thanks.