How do you add cardio to S&H???


I've had the S&H series for awhile now and I have yet to preview the videos. The only thing i noticed is that they are much longer than the PS videos. With PS:BBA and PS:CST it is easy to add cardio before or after because they are not as long. My time is very limited and I do a lot of cardio because I'm trying to lose weight. My question is how do you add cardio to S&H??? I'm planning to rotate the S&H videos from M-W, IMax Thurs, PHour Friday and Yoga on Saturday, but I can't do just the S&H videos M-W with no cardio. I'm writing my next rotations cause I finished my 4 week PS rotation already and I need to cross train or else I get bored. I just don't know what to do with S&H :-rollen. I need some suggestions. Thanks.
I hear you, because I don't have more than an hour a day for exercise either.

My question: You're planning to do slow and heavy and power hour? Just asking because it seems like a lot and would be overkill for me, although I know we're all different.

I do pure strenghth once a week, or slow and heavy once a week, so that fills three days. The other three days I do 45-55 minutes of cardio. That's all. In the warmer months I might take a short evening powerwalk to add to the cardio, but it's a bonus, not part of my routine.

I lost 15 pounds last year, and have built a lot of nice muscle, hitting the muscle groups hard only once a week. And I don't build muscle easily. Three days of cardio seems to be enough.

That's just what works for me, hope it helps you find the right routine for your goals. :) Kath
Another thing you might try is just add one muscle group after each day of cardio. You could do just triceps, then just biceps the next day, for example. In one week, you'd hit them all once. Cathe has assured us that this is fine.
Hi! All the above are great suggestions. I, too, think that S&H and Power Hour the same week may be too much. The S&H series is tough. Also because of this you may want to think about putting a day of cardio in between S&H workouts. I'm not sure what other tapes you have but doing the cardio section from CTX series might work. They're all under 30 minutes. Also the cardio section from Body Max I believe is only 20 minutes, yet still intense. You could also do Cardio Kicks or another long cardio tape instead of Interval Max and then split up Interval Max into two 30 minute cardio days. Let us know what you decide...we're always looking for new rotation ideas!! Good luck!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Dec-30-01 AT 03:45PM (Est)[/font][p]I have found that I can't add a total body strength routine in the same week as S&H, and that I don't need to. S&H takes alot of concentration and it's intense. I think that if you're giving S&H your all, including a workout like PH or MIS in the same week would be overtraining IMHO. If you must have your daily dose of cardio, then doing one muscle group per day is a good suggestion. Or you could eliminate one set from each exercise in each workout, which makes the workouts approximately 45 minutes long. This may save you enough time to tack on a short cardio routine.

Edit: I forgot to mention that by doing only two sets of each exercise, you will in no way diminish the quality of this workout! And...don't let the time factor discourage you from using your S&H series, as this is truly a wonderful series and would really compliment what you've accomplished with PS!!!
I'm kind of on the same page as Rose, as I do S&H for the three days during the week and then one day I do Power Hour. I usually only do this rotation for 4-5 weeks at a time as it's pretty tough, but it DEFINITELY pays off as I see a huge difference in how my body is responding to it.

I do notice that my cardio definitely takes a back seat when I do this rotation....but for me and my body type (I'm on the skinnier side and generally am always trying to bulk up a bit) it works for me!

this is what I do. I do about 30 minutes of cardio first and then I do 1/2 of S&H afterwards. For example . . . I'll do running intervals for 30 minutes then do S&H Biceps or I'll do 15 of biking, 15 walking, then S&H Triceps. It worked very well. If you're concerned about working each body part twice a week, try something like this:

Add abs where they are on the tapes. So that way you're working your abs frequently as well.

Sun - Cardio tape, about 30 minutes. S&H Biceps and CTX Back.
Mon - 30 mins walking. S&H Triceps and CTX Chest.
Tues - 30 mins biking. S&H Back and CTX Shoulders.
Wed - 15 mins walking, 15 mins biking. S&H Chest and CTX Biceps.
Thur - Running Intervals. S&H Shoulders and CTX Triceps.
Fri - Off and well deserved I might add.
Sat - LL or S&H Legs or PS SL&A

Just a thought.

Keta. :D

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RE: Thank you!!!

Thanks guys:) these are awesome suggestions as usual. What I'm going to do is train one bodypart daily with S&H so I can add my daily dose of cardio and I will take a rest from PH (how sad!!! I love that video). I'm planning to do that for a month. I ordered CTX and some other videos and hopefully I'll have them here next week so I can't do that S&H bodypart with CTX bodypart rotation right now, but believe me it is a great rotation and I will do it as soon as I can. Again thank you very much and Happy New Year!

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