Shirley Marie...
I've been working out for about 12 years, Found cathe for the first time I guess in 2001 or 2002 I only had Maximum Intensity Strength. I still love that workout. Just did it the other day...I was still doing the firm, but those workouts just weren't cutting it anymore...I had out grown them. And then I gained some weight...Divorce is all I have to tell you. I'm a better person for it though.
2003 was the year of change...I was walking...had joined the gym...but I didn't like it. Lots of reasons...I could list em'...but I'll spar everyone. Not all gyms are like this particular one...and I had belonged to a nice one...once a long time ago...but with's much like having kids...they become a big priority.
Anyway, I had slacked on my home workouts because I felt I should be using my very expensive gym membership instead...and I put on some weight...but I was walking...didn't gain too much...Then I met my husband...then put on a few more cuz he is one of those folks that trys to gain weight and still can't. Me...I can look at food and gain, I put on some weight there....
A couple years ago, I joined a group on Yahoo armed with what was left of my old collection, mostly firms...a few others here and there...and my one cathe. Everyone started talking about CATHE...this workout kicked thier tush or what a GREAT workout.
So, I pulled out my Old Cathe...and was like...yeah...I remember why I loved this was tough and effective. Then I bought KickMax...Then a few others instructors...then the Body Blast Series cause no one can compare to Cathe...Now, I have about 30 something DVD's...of Just I have other instructors too...just to fill in so I don't get bored. No bordom allower. Change is the spice of life.
I have some weight to lose...but I really can't go just by the scale anymore cuze if I look at that thing, it says I'm obese...but if you look at my clothes...I can wear my size 14's...that I onwed before I met my husband, so down from and 18...That's pretty gREAT progress...and I have serious muscles...EVERYWHERE...
I ride thoroughbred Ex racers for pleasure as well as train them to be good horses for the intermediate advanced rider. I can hang on like a leach...Cathe has helped a lot with that. I can also throw hay and straw better than any of the guys...including hubby.
So, I think I'm in GREAT shape...with some work in progress still.
Trust me on the videos...there are so many and they are all so GREAT! Just buy what interests you...but KPC is a GREAT workout. That workout has more than paid for its self...if you compar it to the price of the gym.