How Do I Figure Out How Many Calories I Need


I just read the article today on metabolism, cutting calories too much and overdoing the wrong exercise. I follow the rotations on the forum and sometimes mix them up a bit like other Catheletes. I'm looking to lose 5-8 pounds but have no idea how to figure out how many calories I should be having with the rotations I follow and the clean eating I try to follow. Help :)
Hi Liz :). If you use Cathe's workout manager (make sure your personal stats are up to date) you'll see. A TDEE number towards the top of the screen. That's how many calories to take in to maintain your weight. Entering your workouts each day will update that number. Subtract 500 for 1 pound per week weight loss. Everyone's different and these numbers are estimates so YMMV. Good luck!

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