how do I? -- diet question

>Nancy, I am with you on the moderation for "treats". If I
>eat one cookie I will eat the entire bag. I can control my
>regular meals I just know that I need to stay away from sweets
>for a while until my tastes change. It will have to be
>nothing because I can't have just one.

Me too, Vicki. When I was growing up, my mother was always saying "everything in moderation", but I just couldn't do it. She would go to the freezer and eat 2 tablespoons of ice cream and say "I'm satisfied". I ate a half gallon of ice cream this week in two sittings. :p
There are some "treats" I have control over and others I don't. Ice cream - no problem, most cookies (except choc chip) - no problem, cake - no problem. Chocolate - a totally different story - it's a MAJOR trigger for me. If I eat one, I'll eat them all - I call it opening the chocolate flood gates.

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