How do I DEAL WITH THE NEW GUY at work???

>Go to a veterinary supply website. Order a castration tool.
>Leave it it on your desk for a week.

HAHAHHAHAHAHA! Omg, that was awesome Dave.
>Go to a veterinary supply website. Order a castration tool.
>Leave it it on your desk for a week. That's hilarious!

Personally, I would document, as Laura suggested, everything, including the hours. In the meantime, I wouldn't ignore him, but I would put him in his place when he makes his "jokes" with something along the lines of "TMI." Give it a dry delivery so he knows you're not in the least bit amused.

Good luck! Sorry this creep has invaded your workplace.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
I would try to avoid letting him see any reaction to the inuendoes beyond a brief blank look that can only mean, OMG, I forgot that you were an unfathomable idiot. Silly me.
Good luck
>I would try to avoid letting him see any reaction to the
>inuendoes beyond a brief blank look that can only mean, OMG, I
>forgot that you were an unfathomable idiot. Silly me.

That would work, too. Whatever lets him know that you think he's scum without coming straight out and saying just that.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Documentation and ignoring are all great ideas. As a HR professional, I highly recommend that, at least one time, tell the son that his comments are completely unwelcome. If you can do it front of a witness, then that's even better. Then, document, document, document. The other girl needs to as well. Then, if it doesn't stop, it's time to go to the boss. Once the boss is aware, he is legally required to make a reasonable attempt to stop it. Good luck!
>I highly recommend that, at least one time, tell
>the son that his comments are completely unwelcome.

I agree that he needs to be told point-blank that his comments are not welcome. If that doesn't stop him, and you do have to take this up with someone in the future, he then can't claim that he didn't know it was bothering people.
Your probably right - next time he says something like that to me, I will just tell him to please not go there. I can be polite and still get my point across :)

Otherwise I might kickbox his butt into the ground ;) }( }( }(
We did "silent office" to stop a jerky guy in our office. Everyone started wearing earplugs and just didn't talk to each other in his presence. Whenever he would try to engage one of us in conversation or make a joke we just gave him the "blank stare" or pretended we couldn't hear because of the earplugs. He got the message and toned it down. Took about a week.

Another benefit was that the boss asked several of us, "Why it was so quiet all of a sudden?" When we explained she wasn't very happy with jerky guy.


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