How do I choose?


Active Member
I am doing Muscle Max currently. I love it, but I want more Cathe DVDS. I can't decide between Pyramid, BootCamp/ Muscle Endurance and/or the Gym Style series.

I only need to lose a few pounds (currently about a size 8-10)
My goals are more definition and getting rid of some cellulite. Blech. I do HIIT for cardio with a Troy Jacobson treadmill DVD.

I am not good at step DVDs although they do look like fun. Drill Max looks like it would be blast, but I think I need to work up to that.

I just did about 2 months of Jari Love Slim and Lean, but I prefer Cathe.

What would you recommend?

Gym Styles is my favorite. The Gym Styles have more of a Muscle Max feel to them. Pyramids and Muscle Endurance are more lighter weight/higher rep workouts and Gym Styles is more medium to heavy weight and uses the resistance band which I find very effective. There is no core work in the Gym Styles. If you want good core work, I recommend Core Max which has 3 core workouts (one with no equipment, one with the ball and one with weights) and three premixes. Boot Camp is a great circuit workout and just has basic choreography which is easy to do. Each exercise is one minute. Drill Max is also a great circuit workout. Choreography is fun and not difficult to pick up either. Boot Camp and Muscle Endurance have great core workouts but Drill Max does not have core work. The Pyramids are great workouts but they are annoying for me because of the constant changing of weights. The things I like about the Pyramids are the great lower body work on the ball in PLB and it has a really tough core routine on the ball in PUB.


They're all totally different. Gym Styles is going to target specific body areas and it totally weight-based. Bootcamp is an awesome, challenging circuit workout. Drill Max is fun, but less weights. I really can't choose between any one because they are all so good and different. Sorry, not much help, am I. (I say get them all).

Thank you! That helps a lot. I just got Pyramid in the mail and GS Legs is on the way. I just need to order the other to Gym Styles. I actually already have Core Max, but I need to start doing it again. I am going to print out your post and put it in my Cathe catalog to help me decide on future purchases .........Or to make it simple, I might just order one of everything!! Wouldn't that be great?? Thanks again!!
NY25 -I did kind of go off on a tangent with the non-weights DVDs I mentioned. I understand what you mean about them being different. I am with you!!!!! Get them ALL! ;-)

Would Drill Max or Bootcamp be considered HIIT ya think? That would be a fun alternative to the "dreadmill".
It's so much easier to drag myself out of bed when it's Cathe I will be seeing - rather than the treadmill.....Even when I use the HIIT DVD.

Maybe I can justify getting them all - I will sell off most of my non-Cathe DVDs!! Now there's plan!!! :)
You don't choose - you get 'em ALL!!! Haha!

Seriously, I cannot choose b/n any of them though. It depends on your specific goals. SInce you mentioned a few pounds left and reducing cellulite, you might consider DM. That is a fave of mine, but like an above poster said, there is no abs section. YOu need 10s, 5s and 3s, a stability ball, a step (only 2 risers) and a resistance band (for firewalkers and a few other things).

Drink lots of water and HAVE FUN!

If I'm choosing between Drill Max and Bootcamp, I would probably say Bootcamp (plus you get the Muscle Endurance on that DVD, which is a nice bonus). They're both fun, and Drill Max has a little more of a "play" factor and has some more unique condition drills, but Bootcamp kicks my tail every time (plus it has killer abs), and is really fun. I one time thought I would be smart and do the ab pre-mix on the DVD - yikes. That was challenging, because it's tough moves and moves very quickly. However, I do stick to my original "get them both/all" if you can. Good luck and enjoy!!

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