How did you tell your family you were pregnant?



I am going to tell my parents and in-laws that we're pregnant soon, but don't have any creative ideas. How did everyone else share the big news?

I have friends that used their current little one to break the news. They had a t-shirt made that says "Mommy's Pregnant", and just waited until people noticed what he was wearing when they saw them. It was really cute.

You could do the same with DH or yourself.
My in-laws live on the other side of the country and I thought a telephone call was kind of boring, so I went and bought a really cute baby frame. It was pewter and said something on the border about 10 little fingers and 10 little toes. Inside the frame, I had put together a little message that said "Picture due to arrive on 6/28/10". I wrapped it up like a gift and mailed it to his family. They thought it was a cute idea and it took each of them a second for it to sink in when they read it. Then they were like "OH!"
Those are both good ideas! I'm still deliberating. My parents have been in Hawaii for the past 3 weeks and when they call and ask "So, what's new?", it's super hard to say "oh, nothin'". I just wanted to tell them, but I wanted to do it in person, so now that they're home, I need to get this figured out! =)

Thanks for the ideas!

With my last pregnancy, I found out right before my dad and grandpa's b-days so I wrote in their cards that they wouldn't be getting their gifts for another eight months:) It took them a minute but when my mom read it she knew right away!

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