How did YOU find Cathe...


I thought that it was very interesting to hear how our fellow Cathe-mate found out about Cathe's workouts. How did YOU find out about Cathe.

For me, I was over at the old Firm Forum and everyone kept talking about Cathe, Cathe, Cathe and I thought they meant Cathy from the Firm. Only later did I realize it was someone different, and was directed over here. I was helped by Cathe personally, (and many others) to order my first video which was the Wedding tape. I LOVED her style. After that, I ordered 3 more tapes, and then to be honest with ya (don't tell my hubby), I ordered EVERY single tape she had. Since then I am a "buy before seeing" type of girl and always pre-order. She is THAT good.

How about you? How did you find Cathe?
I discovered Cathe from a review in Shape magazine. Several years ago, Shape would do reviews of the newest videos and rate them. Cathe's (Step in motion 3?) got all A's, so I ordered it from Collage (which I also discovered through Shape at the same time).
Same as you Cynthia!!! Although I won't say I ordered all, I will say I went overboard. Now I only do a few Firms. Love at first sight!!!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-02 AT 09:07PM (Est)[/font][p]If I remember right ... someone named Cynthia828, back then, introduced me to Cathe and helped me through some of my fears after watching her videos.

Now, I'm into Martial Arts and heading for my black belt. I owe a lot to that person who guided me at that time.

Keta. ;-)

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I too found Cathe thru Collage Video back in the late summer 2000; I'd recently gone from teaching four aqua classes per week and doing land workouts only one time per week to teaching two classes per week and needing something to do in the newly free workout time.

Whaddaya know, but the first Cathe workout I ever did was Interval Max? I selected it because it was billed as basic choreography and advanced intensity, and as we all know, compared to I-Max no one else can even spell "intensity". Then I got Body Max and monkeyed around with that; then I got MIC and MIS; then Pure Strength; then Circuit Max; then the 2001 releases, then CTX, then then then . . .

I don't know if Cathe has a working relationship with Collage anymore, although I do know some of the details of the parting of the ways (I interviewed with Collage last year to become their certified-instructor video reviewer and didn't get the gig) but that's Collage's loss.

I found Cathe through Collage Video a few years ago also. I ordered MIS and a Charlene Pritchard(?) tape. I sent back the CP tape and kept MIS. Since then I only do Cathe tapes, except for a short phase through Taebo, which I grew out of very quickly.
Hi Cynthia! I found Cathe years ago. It must've been in 1989 or 1990 when I had a personal trainer. She turned me on to Cathe. The first tape I did must've been Mega Step Blast. I've seen Cathe transform her body over the years and thanks to her me too. Cathe and I have been together sooo long I feel like she's an old friend. Best thing my personal trainer ever did for me. Kathy
Hi Cynthia,
I found Cathe through Collage as well. I ordered StepMax & was hooked from there, I think around 1992? I thought I was in reasonably good shape until I did that tape. I still think it's an oldie but goodie & do it periodically for nostalgia's sake.
I found dear Cathe on a Firm email list I was on last fall. Everyone would mention Cathe videos in their rotations, so I made a list of ones that sounded good. I had hit a weight-loss plateau (6 lbs before reaching my goal, of course) so I gave her a try. I got MIS, and LOVED the INTENSITY.

So I made a Birthday list and DH bought me all three on my list: I-Max, Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks. Loved all of those of course, so I went on to get Body Max, Step Max and Power Hour!
I am hooked- she got me to my goal, and now I'm sailing along at 120 lbs, fitter and stronger than ever! Next is MIC!

I still remember the first time I did IM. I was in my living room on a cold dark January night. I thought there were only 5 intervals, and I was ready to drop when she said "5 down, 5 to go"!! MAN that was hard the first time.
I too discovered Cathe through the firm forum. I ordered MIS....loved it SOOOO much! I discovered Cathe's website and ended up ordering almost all of her videos. I love them all. I haven't used a Firm video in eons. Cathe has me hooked!

:- :- :-

I also found Cathe through the Firm forum. And I also haven't done a Firm in months. I still do Volume 1 floor work, well, twice a year? ;-)
Found her through Collage Video! Ordered Interval Max as my first Cathe tape!!! :-wow!! The rest is....history!!! :-jumpy

I also found her on the old firm forum. My first tape was cardio kicks - then I did ctx with Firm - gosh I havent done a firm now in almost a year.

Cathe's great. Today I went for a run (usually do 3 miles) did 4 and felt great... all thanks to cathe!
I found Cathe through Collage in 1998? My first video was "Step Jam," which I still love, of course. Now I have about 14 videos and plan to order 6 or 7 more very soon. I'm glad I found Cathe when I did, because I never would have found her without Collage. I can't remember how I found Collage. They might have sent me a catalog when I was a Shape subscriber.

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