How come I'm not very sore?


Hi there!

I did MIS for the first time last night. I am just a tiny bit sore today. I didn't make it through the entire ab section, but did do probably 3/4 of it but my abs are not sore at all today.

How come I'm not sore? I have slight soreness in by biceps, quads and glutes but that's about it. Now, it has been less than 24 hours since I worked out and my body was really shaking by the end of the tape. Can I expect to get more sore as the time goes by? How long does it take to feel sore after a workout?

I have done a little bit of light lifting in the past, but this is my first real attempt at a workout of this caliber. I also did Power Hour last Friday. I was a little sorer after that one, but not much.

What's going on?

In my experience, if I am going to get sore, it usually happens the second day after I do some tough weight work--and I think I have also read this somewhere. Maybe it will hit you tomorrow. If not, hey, that's great.
Maybe this is your message that it's time to up your weightloads! You're probably stronger than you think you are!


I did get more sore as yesterday progressed and I could definately feel it when I did my cardio last night!

I will consider upping my weights especially on the upper body. I consider myself such a weakling, maybe I am stronger than I think I am. That's a nice thought!:)

Thanks, Ladies!


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