How are you using the Workout Manager?


I'm trying to decide if I should be doing more with the Workout manager than I am. Right now, I obviously put my rotation in the calendar and mark it complete each day. I print out my workout card before the workout and jot down weight used, actual reps and notes. However, I don't go back in and update anything at this point, I just pile my workout cards in my workout room.

Are you doing more with the workout manager? How do you like it and do you see value in doing so?
I'm doing the same think as you. Other than printing out my workout card to get my poundage to use, I don't see a use in the WO Manager. I don't even go back and put in my weight used after I do a workout since it serves no purpose and doesn't update your weights to use for the next workout. I would like to see them add that feature. It would be so nice to have your weights adjusted based on the new percentage and last week's workout rather than to manually search the previous cards to see if you need to adjust your weights.
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I'm doing the same think as you. Other than printing out my workout card to get my poundage to use, I don't see a use in the WO Manager. I don't even go back and put in my weight used after I do a workout since it serves no purpose and doesn't update your weights to use for the next workout. I would like to see them add that reature. It would be so nice to have your weights adjusted based on the new percentage and last week's workout rather than to manually search the previous cards to see if you need to adjust your weights.

Ditto to what they said!!!

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