How are all of the preggies doing? = )

Hello Wendy...thanks for for asking about us preggo's...:)

right now i feel like griping...i am about to enter my third trimester however i already feel like i am there already. i am getting close to no sleep at night. i have severe back pain in my upper back (i just left a message for dr.) and i actually snapped at my dh for telling me "he read somewhere that i am supposed to start feeling better in my third trimester" like what does he know, this tri is the worst. i haven't been able to do true workouts for sometime, i swear if i even think about trying to a real workout i think my big belly will roll right off...LOL. i have been doing alot of housework and walking. we have a brand new house and have alot of things we would like done to our home. i am also sick and tired of people and their unwarranted comments about how big my belly is for my stage...WHEW...ok now that i've gotten that off my chest. other than that i feel grrrr-eat!!
My doctor told me the same thing the hair stylist did. To not do it in the first trimester, but after that it is okay. I've even seen pregnant stylists in the salon putting it on other people. They say the reason you shouldn't do it in the first trimester is because your hormones are different and the color may not come out the way you want. But my doctor said after the first tri that it is okay. So I feel much cuter now that I'm not sick and my hair looks better.
Hey Wendy! Glad to hear that everything is going well with the new baby. Breastfeeding like you are doing sounds like the next best thing. I've actually considered trying breastfeeding with this little one, whereas I did not with DS. However if I do this I will probably have to do it the way you are due to going back to work and not having anywhere to pump the breast milk. Decisions, decisions. ((Big Sigh)) I just don't know what I really want to do this time. Formula will probably be my best bet this time around too. Maybe I should post to see how other working mothers handle this dilemma.

This pregnancy is so different than my last in so many ways. When pregnant with DS I did not have any symptoms and felt great. However, with this one I am constantly tired because I can't sleep, have heartburn and major sinus problems but can't take anything for it that works, and am already uncomfortable. What do I have to look forward to with the 3rd trimester if I am already experiencing all of this? To be honest, I'm not completely miserable, just feel so limited in what I can do which I really don't like. I'm the kind of person who likes to do everything for myself and not ask for help. My goal is always to get in at least 4 workouts a week, but due to time constraints with DS and DH being out of town almost every week, I barely get to fit in one. I feel like such a whiner. I pray every night that these next 3 months go by quickly so I can finally hold my little girl and enjoy motherhood.

Regarding the hair coloring question, my Ob has said from the beginning it is okay for me to color my hair so I have been. I can't imagine what it would look like once the roots came out. I'm only coloring my hair because of my grey hair, compliments of my mother's genes. I've had some grey hair since I was 21.

Wendy, keep in touch and let me know how you like the new pump.

Best wishes,
Hey Kristi.

Sorry to hear that you are still having a hard time with your pregnancy. Hopefully the next few months will fly by for you! :) You are having a girl this time right? Then I'm not surprised in the difference in the pregnancies. They say that stuff is old wives tales but too many times I have seen real truth in it. If I have # 2 and it's a girl I'll bet my pregnancy will be harder too!

Well, I like the pump. I'm still not getting much milk but I've only used it 2 times so far (yesterday). I'd like to try to use it 3 times today. I know I need to pump more often if I hope to increase my milk supply...It's hard to do though. I find myself with 3 different things that I need to do at any point through out the day so since I can't do 3 things at once, something always gets pushed aside or put off and then possibly not done at all...Motherhood is a hectic job, I tell ya!(even when baby is sleeping!):)



I smoked my last cigarette on March 17, 2004 at 10:00 pm!

Baby Joey born May 14, 2005 11:19 pm 7 pounds 12 oz 21 inches long.

05/28/05 Check out new album "Me pre and post pregnancy" just added!
I am 32 weeks and feeling good...tired in the afternoon and starting to get uncomfortable at night. I've gained 30 pounds and I am hoping to level off!!! I heard that alot of women lose weight in the last month- I can't only hope. I am still working out 4/5 times per week but have started to feel my body telling me to slow down. I recently went and had some maternity pictures taken and almost passed out due to the hot lights and having to hold poses for so long- a little scary. My Dr. told me the same thing about hair coloring as well, to wait until after the first trimester and then to make sure you are in an area with good ventalation. I actually had highlights done when I was pregnant and din't know it. Dr. said highlights were find because they don't touch the scalp. I've had my hair colored/highlighted since and I am going for a touch up next Friday, it's nice to have a little pampering:)
It is so hard fitting it all in isn't it? You will be amazed how quickly you will start to develop your own rhythm on multitasking. Maybe after baby Joey starts to not have so many crying spells you will find it.

Yup this one's a girl. I think it is a wive's tale only because I've heard numerous stories from different women who have had the same and opposite sex. For some women it was so completely opposite that they were certain the baby was the other sex, but it wasn't meant to be. I think in general the second pregnancy is going to be different at least a little bit, but that is probably a wive's tale too.

Good luck trying to fit it all in. I'm sure you are doing great! Before you know it you will be a pro!

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