How about a teen video?

I chimed in on the children's video idea but then thought a teen vid would be great too. As home exercisers we have a lot of equipment sitting around that is irresistable to the kids but they really need instruction on how to work out safely and effectively. Positive real role models would be a added side benefit. Again, guaranteeing a future generation of Catheites would be profitable.

It would be particularly effective because of DVD technology to have it chaptered so you could watch an instructional segment perhaps on biceps/triceps and then switch to a bi/tri workout. Then when the concept is understood the instructional segments wouldn't have to be watched.
Thanks for listening.
great idea! i have a young teen and 2 younger children and they all show interest in my equipment. we all try to stay active but i would love to introduce my 13 year old to proper weight lifting techniques for her young body, and that would interest her on her level! thanks, joetta
I second this suggestion. I am a High School teacher and soon to be High School Counselor and I see girls everyday who don't believe in themselves and/or treat their bodies like cheap trash. Working out with weights would help young women psychologically. It could really put the girls on the right track! My first fitness video was at age 16 when I bought Cindy Crawford (this video is seriously not safe). Cathe is an excellent role model! Cindy Crawford...not so good.

Peace, Love, & Muscles
I think this is a great suggestion!! I got my 1st gym membership when I turned 16(will be 32 next month;( ). I got a student discount and I have been an exerciser ever since. The problem when I joined was the lack of help I got from anyone that worked there. I didn't have anyone really show me proper form or how to use any of the machines safely. The personal trainers were not free and I was very intimidated by them anyway. I think Cathe is such a great influence for any teenager and she is very motivating. I know that I use to feel weird working out in front of all of those people when i was so young. I could care less now I think a teen would just feel much more comfortable working out at home. Especially with Cathe!!


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