HOT PICS THREAD post your hot pics here!

Yeah, I was a little shocked by that :confused:

Me too. I know we're all grown ups, but I didn't want to see THAT much of Arnold!:) (Although I hardly have room to talk since some of the pictures I posted were nearly as bad.:eek:)

Aside from that one picture, this has been one of my favorite threads ever so far.!

Why? :confused: It's a good thread.
I'm concerned about the amount of server space and bandwidth that all these pics are taking up.

And we have so many pics up already, don't we have pretty much all the hot male bods eye candy we need? ;) LOL! (and with the thread as long as it is, it's getting hard to avoid repeats).

But I guess if Cathe/Chris don't mind...
Lol, I was actually thinking the same thing - although I admit to being the one to start it off in the last thread :eek:. After the first few pages though, I started wondering what everyone would think if the guys started a similar thread on woman and then started posting full frontal female nudes. :eek: But heck, I've gotten a few new screensavers from this thread.

Liann - I thought about the guys and was going to post a couple hot chicks...especially since the title of the thread doesn't specifically state hot guys. I wouldn't care if a thread of hot chicks was started. Heck, most of the women here could probably be in the thread:D! Full frontal of the governator - EEK:eek:!! That I could have done without!

Liann - I thought about the guys and was going to post a couple hot chicks...especially since the title of the thread doesn't specifically state hot guys. I wouldn't care if a thread of hot chicks was started. Heck, most of the women here could probably be in the thread:D! Full frontal of the governator - EEK:eek:!! That I could have done without!


Carrie, I was thinking the same thing about starting a thread of hot chicks. I was thinking of it from the angle of women's bodies who inspire you to be fit, and who you would like to look like. Didn't know if anyone would think I'm weird. Maybe I'll go ahead and get it started and see what happens!:p

Carrie, I was thinking the same thing about starting a thread of hot chicks. I was thinking of it from the angle of women's bodies who inspire you to be fit, and who you would like to look like. Didn't know if anyone would think I'm weird. Maybe I'll go ahead and get it started and see what happens!:p


Go for it. I think we've done it before, but it's def. worth doing again. ;)

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