hot flashes

I"m 46 and have had 2 in the past 3 years - feels like a motorized fan of heat is buzzing towards me, then FLASHES (imagine that) from the center of my body and voomp up and out, then feel cold and clammy...the other new lovely is night sweats - cold and clammy...ick...there are tons of natural things, so far nothing has worked - switching to muslin sheets or 180 thread count helped, cotton breathable jammies, and keeping nutrition clean (ok, so I just ate a tollhouse cookie....ok, maybe I ate 4 of them - but they are considered clean at Christmas time - everyone knows that).....a fellow nurse friend of mine is in her late 60's and she used the progesterone cream you can get from vitamin world - the max strength one, and she claimed that helped her.....too much soy can stimulate estrogen and could be a cancer abetter, so I wouldn't overdo anything...wild yam is also dangerous in pill form.. but I'll take suggestions!
I have always taken vitamin E ( one tab) and calcium with soy. This seems to help keep them at bay. I know it works because when I have gone on vacation and forgotten to bring them with me, the flashes start again.
A nurse practitioner from my ob-gyn's office offered this vitamin "cocktail" to me for hot flashes about a year ago and I haven't had one since. Prior to taking these vitamins, I was having horrible hot flashes, I mean sweat-dripping, could barely function ones! I hope this can be helpful to some of you suffering from the nasty hot flashes. I am 51 years old and not quite post-menopausal.

Vitamin B-Complex with C
Folic Acid 400 mcg.
Calcium 600 mg. with D
Magnesium 400 mg.
Vitamin E 400 I.U.

Take at bedtime. Good luck!

I tried every vitamin cocktail and soy product known to man and it was completely ineffective. not a flicker of response. as I remember primrose oil was included too. After about a month of almost no sleep with hot flashes alternating with freezing cold chills all night, I begged for hormone replacement therapy. It all depends on how bad the flashes are and if your quality of life is suffering badly. HRT worked in 2 days. if non drug therapy doesn't work don't hesitate to try HRT. you can taper the dosage over time as the symptoms decrease.

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