Hot face


The last few days my face has felt very hot, while the rest of my body is normal temperature. I don't have a sunburn or a windburn. My face doesn't look red, it just feels like it should be red. I'm curious as to whether this could be a "hot flash" that isn't a flash? I was looking at menopausal "symptoms" on the internet and it seems that most hot flashes are over within a half hour or so. My face was burning hot for 5 hours yesterday. Has anyone else experienced this, either as part of the Big M or otherwise? Thanks!
I have no useful input Nancy. I just read "Hot Face" and Hot Lips Margaret Houlihan immediately came to mind. ;)
Nancy - have you been under any particular stress or strain the past few days? My face gets really hot when I'm stressed or worried about something. I'm talking flaming hot to the touch. It will feel like a fever, but the rest of me is fine and my temp will register as normal. Not sure that that is what it is for you, just something weird that happens with me.
Thank you Liann! I read that it is sometimes a symptom of stress, but it helps to know someone it actually happens to. Yes, I have been under a lot of stress at work lately. Much more so than usual. Thanks so much for posting my friend! That makes a lot of sense. :) And yes, it is flaming hot to the touch. I've actually been applying ice to my cheeks.
I felt like this just before my shingles manifested itself, along with a burning sensation along my left rear delt and arm. Did you have chicken pox as a kid? Stress is basically the only reason my chicken pox came home to roost as an adult in the form of shingles.
Beavs took the words right out of my mouth.

My mom used to get very red faced and her scalp would sweat when she had a hot flash. I get hot all over and a nice little puddle of dampness on my chest.

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